From Lost Cabin Spring, we headed through the humpy desert.

Ascending a slope to reach the rim.

Peak 4110 lookout point ahead along the ridgeline.

Following the Class 2 ridgeline to get to Peak 4110.

Peak 4110 ahead.

Class 2/3 to gain this overlook point.

Peak 4110, view northwest.

Mount Perkins to the north.

View down the scramble up to Peak 4110. You can see the rim traverse to come, and Lost Cabin Peak right of center. It's a comparable elevation to the point we're on now.

Back on the rim, traversing toward Lost Cabin Peak, seen right of center.

Close-up toward some of the colorful eroded cliffs to the west.

Spirit Mountain seen center, our overlook point from earlier seen on the right.

Lost Cabin Peak seen center. A burro trail led us around the large hump on the far left in this photo.

View back toward Peak 4110.

On the burro trail wrapping around the big lump.

Past the big lump, Lost Cabin Peak seen on the left. We side-hilled around the hump hosting the cool-looking pinnacle on the right.

View back toward the pinnacle we bypassed.

Ascending to another hump, labeled Peak 4020.

View back as we ascend to Peak 4020.

Wide shot back from Peak 4020.

Peak 4020, view toward Lost Cabin Peak.

Class 2/2+ to get down from Peak 4020 to the saddle with Lost Cabin Peak.

Maze of fun as we head up toward Lost Cabin Peak.

Class 2/3 obtacles.

A cliff just ahead, which we kept to the right of.

Wrapping around the right side of the cliff. just ahead of Petey, a Class 2 gully leads to the left. Lost Cabin Peak's sheer northwestern face out of frame above.

Above the gully, now we can see the cool-looking summit block of Lost Cabin Peak. We wrapped to the left around it.

Series of chutes. Matt chose one that's hidden in the center of this photo (he says loose Class 4). The route Petey and I went up is the crack left of center to gain the chute.

Petey and I headed up the crack right of center to gain the chute.

Class 3+ crack.

Loose chute. Keeping left leads to bad rock. Matt seen on the Class 3+ series of moves leading to a nasty catclaw.

Nasty catclaw obstacle.

View back down the chute.

Lost Cabin Peak summit, view back down the chute as Petey climbs up the last bit of Class 2.

Lost Cabin Peak summit, view north toward the way we came from.

Spirit Mountain in the distance.

Better lighting along the rim on our way back.

We took burro trails and washes to get back to the car.
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