Starting up the Crest Trail.

Lookout Mountain is somewhere above those eye-sore ski slopes. Sierra Blanca peeking out on the left.

Burnt trees.

Ski Apache slopes.

Looking back toward Buck Mountain, covered in radio towers.

Summit of Lookout Mountain that little bloop on the top right. This was taken at the base of White Mountain Wilderness High Point.

After White Mountain Wilderness High Point, continuing along the Lookout Mountain Trail. Lookout Mountain on the left, Sierra Blanca on the right.

Almost at Lookout Mountain.

Lookout Mountain summit looking northeast. Nogal Peak on the far right.

Heading down from Lookout Mountain toward Sierra Blanca Peak.

Saddle between Lookout and Sierra Blanca, looking toward Lookout.

Starting up Sierra Blanca Peak, no obvious trail.

Pretty ridgeline. Looking toward Lookout Mountain, Nogal Peak in the distance on the right.

View west just before the summit.

Sierra Blanca peak summit, looking north.

Sierra Blanca peak summit, looking southwest.

Heading down some dirt road from the saddle.

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