Lone Peak via Jacob’s Ladder in Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT

Hike Lone Peak via Jacob’s Ladder Wasatch-Cache National Forest, UT

Class 3 11.4 miles 5700 gain 6-8 hrs Out + Back Jul 12, 2017

Lone Peak via Jacob’s Ladder GPX Track

I need to offset my substantial website costs somehow! You can download a hike/drive GPX to assist you here. Before sharing my GPX tracks with others, please remember my site is otherwise a free resource.

The coordinates I listed are for the parking area. However, if you try navigating there using Google Maps, it may take you the wrong way. Rather, navigate to Orson Smith Park (40.5216677,-111.8341106) and follow the obvious dirt road on the right just after entering for 2.5 miles until you get to a parking area with a bathroom. The trail starts just after this before a closed gate, and is well-marked with a wooden sign.

From the Jacob's Ladder Trailhead, follow a mountain bike trail for a while, and then an ATV trail, and finally, you get to the start of the tue Jacob's Ladder. Not going to lie, it sucks. An uphill struggle with only decent views, mostly just of Salt Lake City suburbs, takes you on an unrelenting journey on slippery dirt and quad-killing monotony. Eventually, you get some tree cover and it starts to mellow out before you reach a really pretty area of wide open granite slickrock and amazing views of Lone Peak. You get a few little scrambles on the bright white granite, Lone Peak looming above, as you work your way past the southwest cirque. More fun Class 2+ scrambles lead to the final ascent to the short Class 3 moves just below the summit block of Lone Peak. Going back down Jacob's Ladder hurts more than going up, so have fun!

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Lone Peak
11253 ft
893 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Jacobs Ladder starts on a mountain bike trail before opening up to meadows on the mountainside.
Jacobs Ladder starts on a mountain bike trail before opening up to meadows on the mountainside.
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Looking back the way we came.
Looking back the way we came.
Lone Peak way up there.
Lone Peak way up there.
Soon, the meadows and wide dirt trail turn into a ridiculously steep, dusty trail through brush. This is Jacobs Ladder, and it isn't much fun.
Soon, the meadows and wide dirt trail turn into a ridiculously steep, dusty trail through brush. This is Jacobs Ladder, and it isn't much fun.
Hard to tell how steep it is, but it's relentless.
Hard to tell how steep it is, but it's relentless.
Looking down Jacobs Ladder.
Looking down Jacobs Ladder.
Looking toward Lone Peak along the way.
Looking toward Lone Peak along the way.
Toward the end of Jacobs Ladder, the trail starts to mellow out a bit.
Toward the end of Jacobs Ladder, the trail starts to mellow out a bit.
Lone Peak ahead, Box Elder Peak on the right in the distance.
Lone Peak ahead, Box Elder Peak on the right in the distance.
Looking back along the ridge.
Looking back along the ridge.
Lone Peak ahead!
Lone Peak ahead!
A section of relatively flat trail through green meadows.
A section of relatively flat trail through green meadows.
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And then we start to ascend again into a beautiful granite landscape.
And then we start to ascend again into a beautiful granite landscape.
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Looking back the way we came.
Looking back the way we came.
Lone Peak ahead!
Lone Peak ahead!
Looking back before the series of fun granite scrambles.
Looking back before the series of fun granite scrambles.
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Lone Peak on the right. The trail takes you around to the left before following the ridge to the summit.
Lone Peak on the right. The trail takes you around to the left before following the ridge to the summit.
Getting closer to the Class 2+ scramble.
Getting closer to the Class 2+ scramble.
Looking back at the Lone Peak cirque.
Looking back at the Lone Peak cirque.
A fun scramble to gain the ridge.
A fun scramble to gain the ridge.
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Image 31 from gallery
Following the ridge.
Following the ridge.
Lone Peak coming up.
Lone Peak coming up.
More fun scrambling.
More fun scrambling.
The ridge becomes covered in massive boulders and you get a great view east.
The ridge becomes covered in massive boulders and you get a great view east.
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A few sections of easy Class 3.
A few sections of easy Class 3.
Amazing views before the summit.
Amazing views before the summit.
Lone Peak summit view, looking southeast.
Lone Peak summit view, looking southeast.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!