Jacobs Ladder starts on a mountain bike trail before opening up to meadows on the mountainside.

Looking back the way we came.

Lone Peak way up there.

Soon, the meadows and wide dirt trail turn into a ridiculously steep, dusty trail through brush. This is Jacobs Ladder, and it isn't much fun.

Hard to tell how steep it is, but it's relentless.

Looking down Jacobs Ladder.

Looking toward Lone Peak along the way.

Toward the end of Jacobs Ladder, the trail starts to mellow out a bit.

Lone Peak ahead, Box Elder Peak on the right in the distance.

Looking back along the ridge.

Lone Peak ahead!

A section of relatively flat trail through green meadows.

And then we start to ascend again into a beautiful granite landscape.

Looking back the way we came.

Lone Peak ahead!

Looking back before the series of fun granite scrambles.

Lone Peak on the right. The trail takes you around to the left before following the ridge to the summit.

Getting closer to the Class 2+ scramble.

Looking back at the Lone Peak cirque.

A fun scramble to gain the ridge.

Following the ridge.

Lone Peak coming up.

More fun scrambling.

The ridge becomes covered in massive boulders and you get a great view east.

A few sections of easy Class 3.

Amazing views before the summit.

Lone Peak summit view, looking southeast.
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