Little Wildhorse Canyon in San Rafael Swell BLM, UT

Hike Little Wildhorse Canyon San Rafael Swell BLM, UT

Class 2 5.4 miles 400 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Sep 29, 2016

Little Wildhorse Canyon GPX Track

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The route above includes stats for Little Wildhorse Canyon alone, up until the last narrow section ends. There is a loop available that connects Little Wildhorse and Bell Canyon, but we didn't do the whole loop.

Even though there are signs leading to the trailhead for miles before getting there, there were fewer other visitors than I expected. The canyon has an extended nontechnical section of beautiful narrows with some light scrambling. After a quick jaunt up the canyon, Shawn and I got to the end of the narrows and turned back, just as the loudest thunder I ever heard boomed through the desert. In the unlikey chance of a flash flood, we ran to the car and drove through the flooding landscape as ridiculous colors of sunset illumited the sky.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

The wash leading up to the Little Wildhorse Canyon mouth.
The wash leading up to the Little Wildhorse Canyon mouth.
Cool desert rocks and plants.
Cool desert rocks and plants.
The mouth of Little Wildhorse Canyon.
The mouth of Little Wildhorse Canyon.
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The canyon narrows pretty quickly.
The canyon narrows pretty quickly.
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The canyon opens up a bit to form a room-like section of narrows.
The canyon opens up a bit to form a room-like section of narrows.
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Obviously a face. Or something.
Obviously a face. Or something.
Some more narrows with crazy textures on the walls.
Some more narrows with crazy textures on the walls.
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The narrows open up to a wider wash.
The narrows open up to a wider wash.
Taken from a sidewall looking up the canyon.
Taken from a sidewall looking up the canyon.
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Wildhorse Canyon narrows once more before becoming low-walled.
Wildhorse Canyon narrows once more before becoming low-walled.
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Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!