Little Stony Creek National Recreation Trail in Jefferson National Forest, VA

Hike Little Stony Creek National Recreation Trail Jefferson National Forest, VA

Class 1 5.4 miles 700 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Apr 30, 2017

Little Stony Creek National Recreation Trail GPX Track

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The Little Stony National Recreation Trail is a really nice walk along Little Stony Creek, which gets hugged in by tall banks on either side. There are two start points, but most people seem to come from the south, whereas those who go from the north seemed to stop at the featured waterfall. From the south, the trail passes over multiple bridges, weaving over the creek and passing sandstone bluffs before visiting a cascade, Lower Stony Creek Falls. From here, the trail continues more steeply past a few more gorgeous waterfalls before ending at Little Stony Falls. The trail goes a bit farther to the northern parking area from here.

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The trail follows the Little Stony Creek the whole way.
The trail follows the Little Stony Creek the whole way.
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There are a few well-crafted bridges to cross. They seem a bit extravagant.
There are a few well-crafted bridges to cross. They seem a bit extravagant.
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Some sandstone bluffs appear once in a while.
Some sandstone bluffs appear once in a while.
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Getting closer to the lower falls.
Getting closer to the lower falls.
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Lower Stony Creek Falls.
Lower Stony Creek Falls.
After Lower Stony Creek Falls, another long bridge leads into a more snug section of the trail.
After Lower Stony Creek Falls, another long bridge leads into a more snug section of the trail.
The trail starts to gain elevation as it avoids a few larger waterfalls.
The trail starts to gain elevation as it avoids a few larger waterfalls.
Passing another gorgeous waterfall.
Passing another gorgeous waterfall.
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Little Stony Creek Falls.
Little Stony Creek Falls.
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Little Stony Creek Falls.
Little Stony Creek Falls.
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A short hike leads to the northern trailhead.
A short hike leads to the northern trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!