Starting out from the Fillmore Canyon Trailhead. Follow the official route to Organ Needle for most of the way.

Squaretop is the obvious sideways square shape, and Little Squaretop is the smaller pointy square to the right of it.

Continuing up past Fillmore Canyon, along the official route to Organ Needle.

Looking back toward La Cueva and the Fillmore Canyon Trailhead.

The route is fairly easy to follow for most of the way up. You can see the dark canyon/gully ahead where you split for either Organ Needle or Little Squaretop.

Approaching the dark canyon/gully where you leave the trail.

At this junction, before entering the dark canyon/gully and a big tree greets you, turn left and walk around a big rock fin.

Just after the rock fin, you'll see a jumble of rocks Follow the small and obvious gully (center of this photo) up to the pine trees (you can see the tops here).

After the gully, under the pine trees. Go between the two rightmost trees in this photo and scramble up a Class 3 rock fin.

Taken on top of the rock fit scrambled up in the previous photo. Follow that line of green grasses (the second rock fin).

Looking back from the top of the second rock fin toward the big pine trees (middle) and the dark canyon/gully (diagonal splurt of brush on the right).

After scrambling up the second rock fin, head up Class 2 slabs. This photo is looking down the Class 2 slabs.

Drop off the slabs onto flat ground. This photo is looking back at the slabs
(diagonal line in the center).

From the top of the Class 2 slabs looking toward the remainder of the route. Head down to the bush in the center of this photo and scramble Class 3 stuff to the left of a black stain on the rock.

The big bush from the last photo is right behind me here - to the left of this black stained rock is the spot I scrambled up.

Just above the scramble. Head behind these trees on the flat grassy section and look on the left for a short Class 3 route up to the next level. I don't know the easiest choice, but there seemed to be a few spots that would work. This was likely the single hardest move of the day.

At the next level, looking toward the remainder of the route. Head up the green gully, keeping to the left to avoid bushes. Little Squaretop is the left peak, Little Squaretop Massif is the right peak.

Looking back before starting up the gully.

At the notch, looking up left toward Little Squaretop. Class 2+/3.

Almost at the summit, looking down toward the notch between Little Squaretop and Squaretop Massif.

Little Squaretop summit block on the right, Organ Needle in the center, Squaretop Massif on the left out of frame.

View back toward La Cueva/Fillmore Canyon Trailhead.

View northwest toward the Needles and Rabbit Ears.

One more shot from the summit of Little Squretop Massif and Organ Needle.
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