Little Monadnock Mountain in Rhododendron State Park, NH

Hike Little Monadnock Mountain Rhododendron State Park, NH

Class 1 2.7 miles 700 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Jul 9, 2023

Little Monadnock Mountain GPX Track

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Little Monadnock Mountain was a final little summit I wanted to grab since I had time to kill before the forecast announced the northeast would receive rainfall that basically put it underwater. This short hike is mostly forested with an occasional rock obstacle and a single tree-obscured view toward Mount Monadnock. The hike begins in Rhododendron State Park, initially sharing the Rhodedendron Loop Trail, where it tunnels through a grove of the plants the trail is named for. A marked junction leads away from the loop, deviating to the northwest toward the summit. Well-marked, I followed the trail as quickly as I could to avoid getting eaten by mosquitoes. With some small exceptions, this is a nearly rockless hike so after miles of rocky trails over the last few days I was excited to be able to move more quickly.

A pleasantly graded ascent led up to a junction on the north ridge of Little Monadnock Mountain. Don't forget to turn around here and look north since it's the only spot with a view, but fortunately a gap in the trees frames Mount Monadnock perfectly. Apparently I missed the memo, but there's a better viewpoint farther north from the junction within a small meadow if you want to take the quick excursion to check it out. The remainder of the hike to the summit is more narrow and slightly more rocky, but the summit of Little Monadnock Mountain is underwhelming, trees and a summit sign the only things to gaze upon.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Little Monadnock Mountain
1890 ft
739 rise

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Entering the trail system at Rhododendron State Park.
Entering the trail system at Rhododendron State Park.
Pretty trail tunneling through the rhododendrons.
Pretty trail tunneling through the rhododendrons.
It's probably a nice loop, but I was only interested in reaching Little Monadnock Mountain since mosquitoes were out in full force.
It's probably a nice loop, but I was only interested in reaching Little Monadnock Mountain since mosquitoes were out in full force.
Ascending to Little Monadnock Mountain through the forest.
Ascending to Little Monadnock Mountain through the forest.
Passing a little bog on the left.
Passing a little bog on the left.
A short little rock obstacle.
A short little rock obstacle.
The trail continues to ascend to the east ridge of the peak.
The trail continues to ascend to the east ridge of the peak.
View back, some old historic rock wall construction along the trail.
View back, some old historic rock wall construction along the trail.
Nearing the ridge junction. Apparently if you head to the right there's a better view. I just kept left and continued to the summit.
Nearing the ridge junction. Apparently if you head to the right there's a better view. I just kept left and continued to the summit.
Just past the junction, a view back. You can see Monadnock Mountain in the distant center.
Just past the junction, a view back. You can see Monadnock Mountain in the distant center.
Along the final ridgeline to Little Monadnock Mountain.
Along the final ridgeline to Little Monadnock Mountain.
Nearing Little Monadnock Mountain.
Nearing Little Monadnock Mountain.
Little Monadnock Mountain.
Little Monadnock Mountain.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!