Entering the trail system at Rhododendron State Park.

Pretty trail tunneling through the rhododendrons.

It's probably a nice loop, but I was only interested in reaching Little Monadnock Mountain since mosquitoes were out in full force.

Ascending to Little Monadnock Mountain through the forest.

Passing a little bog on the left.

A short little rock obstacle.

The trail continues to ascend to the east ridge of the peak.

View back, some old historic rock wall construction along the trail.

Nearing the ridge junction. Apparently if you head to the right there's a better view. I just kept left and continued to the summit.

Just past the junction, a view back. You can see Monadnock Mountain in the distant center.

Along the final ridgeline to Little Monadnock Mountain.

Nearing Little Monadnock Mountain.

Little Monadnock Mountain.
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