A view from the trailhead, Little Maria Mountains High Point seen right of center.

Hiking along an old mining road to the base of the peak.

Absolutely crazy colors and limestone cliffs. We couldn't figure out what the route would be until we were literally on it since the peak just seemed like a wall of chaos. Photos we tough due to dead-on midday light.

After the road ended, we headed up a small hill and down into the main wash leading to the mountain's base.

We ascended toward the dryfall at the head of the wash, seen center. We avoided this dryfall using the Class 2 slope on the left.

View back into the wash after coming up the Class 2 slope.

The slope led to this ledge, which wraps beneath the limestone cliff base, still above the watercourse housing the dryfall we avoided.

Abrupt drop into the drainage. We then scrambled up the cool-looking chute on the left.

Class 2/3 up the chute.

View back down the chute.

Above the chute, the route continues just at the base of the limestone cliff.

View back at the impressive route so far, which followed the limestone base.

Close-up back.

Much higher up, looking back at the limestone cliff base ascent/traverse.

At a cliff, we had to traverse left along this short slab.

Past the slab, a steep Class 2/2+ typical desert slope.

View back down the steep slope.

Class 2/2+.

The slope reached the south ridge. View back.

Ascending the Class 2 south ridge.

View south, our cars are located in the center somewhere.

Keeping well below the crest, we traversed below some rock outcroppings.

View back at our traverse beneath the crest. There was some up and down along the way.

We rounded a corner and noted the large monolith-outcropping seen top left. False summit seen top right. Our goal was to reach the bright chute seen on the right. We descended a bit.

Descending at the base of the cliffs to reach the chute, Class 2 and step.

Entering the chute.

View back down from the top of the chute.

Another chute leading to the base of the false summit.

Scrambling to the false summit base, seen above.

Traversing beneath the false summit, the true summit seen center.

A Class 3 limestone headwall we used to get past the initial cliff band.

Past the headwall, a Class 2 slope to access the ridgeline.

Now at the ridgeline, a view out toward the limestone wonderland. Little Maria Mountains High Point seen on the right.

Along the ridge crest, Class 2.

Rock outcroppings like this one can be avoided easily on the right with some Class 2.

Little Maria Mountains High Point summit, view south the way we came.

Little Maria Mountains High Point summit, view down into the ascent route. Our cars are left of center somewhere.
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