Little Arsenic and La Junta Loop in Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, NM

Hike Little Arsenic and La Junta Loop Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, NM

Class 1 4.3 miles 1100 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Sep 27, 2018

Little Arsenic and La Junta Loop GPX Track

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This route may have access issues.

The La Junta Trail is currently closed as of September 2021 due to maintenance.

There are three main trails used to access the Rio Grande from this area within Rio Grande del Norte National Monument: Big Arsenic Trail, Little Arsenic Trail, and La Junta Trail. I decided to start at the Little Arsenic Campground and go down the Little Arsenic Trail until it bisected the River Trail. I headed south as this trail paralleled the Rio Grande, and reached the junction with the La Junta Trail. Rather than head back up just yet, I continued south to "La Junta" (the point) to check out the confluence of the Red River and the Rio Grande. I headed up the La Junta Trail, looping back to my car. Along the way up the La Junta Trail, there are steep sections where hiking on the trail is assisted by ladders, stairs, etc. The trails are in great shape and I really enjoyed this unique area.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting down the Little Arsenic Trail.
Starting down the Little Arsenic Trail.
Rio Grande seen below.
Rio Grande seen below.
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The trail continues alongside the Rio Grande.
The trail continues alongside the Rio Grande.
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Junction with the La Junta Trail. I first went right to check out the confluence of the Red River and the Rio Grande before heading up the La Junta Trail.
Junction with the La Junta Trail. I first went right to check out the confluence of the Red River and the Rio Grande before heading up the La Junta Trail.
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Looking up toward the La Junta Lookout (the top of the La Junta Trail).
Looking up toward the La Junta Lookout (the top of the La Junta Trail).
Confluence of Red River and Rio Grande.
Confluence of Red River and Rio Grande.
Looking back the way I came on the way up the La Junta Trail.
Looking back the way I came on the way up the La Junta Trail.
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Steep sections with assisted ladders, stairs, etc. on the La Junta Trail.
Steep sections with assisted ladders, stairs, etc. on the La Junta Trail.
Looking down toward the confluence.
Looking down toward the confluence.
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La Junta Lookout, looking down to the confluence and the La Junta Trail.
La Junta Lookout, looking down to the confluence and the La Junta Trail.
La Junta Lookout, looking toward the trail I took from the Little Arsenic Trail.
La Junta Lookout, looking toward the trail I took from the Little Arsenic Trail.
Close-up of the Rio Grande.
Close-up of the Rio Grande.
Walking through a picnic area on the way back to the Little Arsenic Trailhead.
Walking through a picnic area on the way back to the Little Arsenic Trailhead.
Rio Grande down to the left, on the way back to my car.
Rio Grande down to the left, on the way back to my car.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!