Heading down the trail from the Painted Desert Inn.

At the desert floor, just before the trail sort of starts to fade.

Along the way to the Lithodendron Wash, there's some cool rock formations.

Lithodendron Wash, hard to miss. When you get to the wash, follow it to the right.

Lithodendron Wash cruves around a bit.

Great colors on all the random hills.

View back toward Lithodendron wash.

Cracked dirt on the banks of Lithodendron Wash.

Entering a side drainage from Lithodendron Wash to reach Onyx Bridge.

A big stump, pretty cool.

Onyx Bridge!

2024 photo: Onyx Bridge collapsed!

Onyx Bridge from above.

Some random overlapping big pieces of petrified wood.

Crystals within a piece of wood.

I found a mistakenly-labeled on maps "Onyx Bridge" farther north.

Heading south toward Angel's Garden.

Bright badlands near Angel's Garden.

Angel's Garden is full of petrified wood.

You'll know you're there when there's a ton of it concentrated between two small washes.

A cut-up tree in almost perfect alignment.

Overlooking Angel's Garden on the way south.

Another random tree. This is located right near Gregory's Stump.

Gregory's Stump!

Footprints in the muddy Painted Desert.

The Painted Desert Inn is up on top of that ridge in the distance.

Enjoying the view.

Panorama of the Painted Desert.
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