Starting along the Liberty Bell Arch / Arizona Hot Springs / White Rock Canyon Trail, mostly just a wash.

Liberty Bell Arch / White Rock Canyon Trail.

Junction with the Liberty Bell Arch Trail.

Liberty Bell Arch Trail takes you through the hills.

Pass some old mining stuff along the trail.

Liberty Bell Peak on the left-center.

Liberty Bell Arch is in the center, Liberty Bell Peak on the left. It's hidden from this angle.

There's the arch.

Liberty Bell Arch.

A view toward Liberty Bell Peak, just off the trail.

Class 2 stuff to the summit.

Liberty Bell Peak summit looking north toward Hoover Dam and Fortification Hill.

Liberty Bell Peak summit looking west to Black Canyon Overlook.

Close-up down into White Rock Canyon, view south.

Colorado River and White Rock Canyon below.

Black Canyon Overlook, looking north.
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