Lenawee Mountain, Grizzly Peak, and Chihuahua Lake Loop in White River National Forest, CO

Hike Lenawee Mountain, Grizzly Peak, and Chihuahua Lake Loop White River National Forest, CO

Class 3 10.3 miles 4400 gain 6-8 hrs Loop Sep 18, 2018

Lenawee Mountain, Grizzly Peak, and Chihuahua Lake Loop GPX Track

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I've been on a Colorado Front Range binge, and somehow this wonderful traverse eluded me. Driving over Loveland Pass a few days ago, I saw the jagged ridgeline from Lenawee Mountain to Grizzly Peak and wondered if it was doable. So, I looked on various maps and noticed there were two trails nearby: the Lenawee Trail, and the Chihuahua Lake Trail, and the ridgeline connected the two. It was definitely calling my name.

Starting from the Lenawee Trailhead, head up the trail above treeline and leave the trail when you feel like it to gain the ridge. I couldn't find any sort of social trail. The ridge leads to a false peak to the southwest of Lenawee Mountain before taking a Class 2+ ridge to the true summit. The traverse from Lenawee Mountain to Grizzly Peak looks difficult, but goes at Class 3, with maybe one 3+ section. There's even basically a social trail most of the way, so route-finding isn't hard. The first half is a bit loose and not particularly fun, but after a brightly-colored notch, the rock becomes more solid and the scrambling interesting. The Class 3+ headwall appears, and from the top, there's some Class 2+ stuff leading to just below the Grizzly Peak summit, which is a walk-up. From here, take in the views of Grays Peak and Torreys Peak, and Chihuahua Lake below before continuing along the ridge to the saddle of Grizzly Peak and Torreys Peak. The slope leading down from the saddle is totally fine. Take a quick detour up to Chihuahua Lake, which is super pretty, before heading down the Chihuahua Lake Trail, which becomes a dirt road for the majority of the way down.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Southwest Lenawee
13160 ft
240 rise
Lenawee Mountain
13204 ft
324 rise
Black Mountain
13193 ft
153 rise
Grizzly Peak
13427 ft
827 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting up the Lenawee Trail.
Starting up the Lenawee Trail.
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Lenawee Mountain's false summit ahead.
Lenawee Mountain's false summit ahead.
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Left the Lenawee Trail to gain the ridgeline.
Left the Lenawee Trail to gain the ridgeline.
Approaching Lenawee Mountain false summit, Lenawee Mountain true summit out of frame on the right.
Approaching Lenawee Mountain false summit, Lenawee Mountain true summit out of frame on the right.
Looking back the way I came - the Lenawee Trail is down there somewhere.
Looking back the way I came - the Lenawee Trail is down there somewhere.
Along the ridge to Lenawee Mountain, Grays and Torreys Peaks on the left.
Along the ridge to Lenawee Mountain, Grays and Torreys Peaks on the left.
Lenawee Mountain false summit, looking toward the true summit, Grays and Torreys on the right.
Lenawee Mountain false summit, looking toward the true summit, Grays and Torreys on the right.
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Class 2+ stuff to Lenawee Mountain.
Class 2+ stuff to Lenawee Mountain.
Lenawee Mountain on the right, out of frame.
Lenawee Mountain on the right, out of frame.
Lenawee Mountain summit, looking back toward Lenawee Mountain false peak.
Lenawee Mountain summit, looking back toward Lenawee Mountain false peak.
Lenawee Mountain summit, looking toward Grizzly Peak and the fun scramble before it.
Lenawee Mountain summit, looking toward Grizzly Peak and the fun scramble before it.
A social trail leads through this crap, sticking mostly to the ridgeline, or dropping a few feet to the west.
A social trail leads through this crap, sticking mostly to the ridgeline, or dropping a few feet to the west.
Looking back toward Lenawee Mountain.
Looking back toward Lenawee Mountain.
Grizzly Peak on the right, the Class 3+ move coming soon (the pinnacle on the left).
Grizzly Peak on the right, the Class 3+ move coming soon (the pinnacle on the left).
Looking back along the ridge, Chihuahua Lake below, Grays and Torreys on the left.
Looking back along the ridge, Chihuahua Lake below, Grays and Torreys on the left.
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Short Class 3 move.
Short Class 3 move.
Looking along the ridge I came from, Chihuahua Lake left.
Looking along the ridge I came from, Chihuahua Lake left.
Fun Class 2+ ridgeline.
Fun Class 2+ ridgeline.
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Approaching the Class 3+ move.
Approaching the Class 3+ move.
Class 3+ move.
Class 3+ move.
Top of the Class 3+ move, looking back toward Lenawee Mountain.
Top of the Class 3+ move, looking back toward Lenawee Mountain.
Class 2 stuff to Grizzly Peak.
Class 2 stuff to Grizzly Peak.
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Grizzly Peak ahead.
Grizzly Peak ahead.
Almost at the Grizzly Peak summit, looking back at the ridgeline, Lenawee Mountain on the left. Chihuahua Lake below.
Almost at the Grizzly Peak summit, looking back at the ridgeline, Lenawee Mountain on the left. Chihuahua Lake below.
Close-up of the ridgeline.
Close-up of the ridgeline.
Grizzly Peak summit, heading down the east ridge - you can see the slope I'll be going down on the right. That's Torreys Peak in the center.
Grizzly Peak summit, heading down the east ridge - you can see the slope I'll be going down on the right. That's Torreys Peak in the center.
Heading down Grizzly Peak east ridge.
Heading down Grizzly Peak east ridge.
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Down the slope - Chihuahua Lake on the right.
Down the slope - Chihuahua Lake on the right.
Chihuahua Lake.
Chihuahua Lake.
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Chihuahua Lake little puddles, Torreys Peak and Grays Peak in the background.
Chihuahua Lake little puddles, Torreys Peak and Grays Peak in the background.
A little grouse (?).
A little grouse (?).
Heading down the official Chihuahua Lake Trail.
Heading down the official Chihuahua Lake Trail.
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Chihuahua Lake Trail, looking back at Grizzly Peak (left) and Torreys Peak (right).
Chihuahua Lake Trail, looking back at Grizzly Peak (left) and Torreys Peak (right).
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Chihuahua Lake Trail becomes a dirt road.
Chihuahua Lake Trail becomes a dirt road.
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More little lakes along the Chihuahua Lake Trail.
More little lakes along the Chihuahua Lake Trail.
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Looking back along the Chihuahua Lake Trail - you can still see the slope I came down (Saddle of Torreys and Grizzly).
Looking back along the Chihuahua Lake Trail - you can still see the slope I came down (Saddle of Torreys and Grizzly).
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Image 56 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!