Starting up past the gate.

Follow an old eroded dirt road.

Looking back.

Gaskill Peak peeking out.

Lawson Peak left, Gaskill Peak right.

Approaching the base of Lawson Peak. Gaskill Peak visible on the right.

Looking toward Lyons Peak before heading up Lawson Peak. It's private property apparently, but looks really cool.

Starting up Lawson Peak.

Some Class 2 stuff.

Looking back down the scramble heading up Lawson Peak.

Almost up Lawson Peak, looking toward Gaskill Peak.

The trail winds around the northern side of Lawson Peak.

Crack in the rock to gain the summit cave (Class 3).

Cave, looking out.

Head through the cave and find a way to scramble out and up.

Lawson Peak summit looking toward Gaskill Peak.

Lawson Peak summit looking down toward the approach dirt road.

Back at the road, heading toward Gaskill (center).

Gaskill Peak ahead.

Looking back toward Lawson Peak.

Social Trail heading up Gaskill Peak.

Brushy social trail.

Looking back down a mini scramble on the way up Gaskill Peak.

Approaching the Gaskill Peak summit block ahead.

Short Class 3 section to gain the summit.

Gaskill Peak summit.

Gaskill Peak summit looking toward Lawson Peak. You can see the approach dirt road on the left.
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