Lava Flow Oasis and Malpais Nature Trail in Valley of Fires, NM

Hike Lava Flow Oasis and Malpais Nature Trail Valley of Fires, NM

Class 2 2.2 miles Minimal gain 1-2 hr Loop Apr 25, 2018

Lava Flow Oasis and Malpais Nature Trail GPX Track

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Valley of Fires is a campground just off the road, an area of lava flow originating from one vent now known as Little Black Peak. The flow is 45 miles long, but Valley of Fires BLM is located on a small island of land amongst the black volcanic rock. Though I technically did two short hikes here, I combined them into one trip report. The first is a marked interpretive trail called the Malpais Nature Trail (parking coordinates: 33.68304,-105.922684), and the second didn't have a name, so I called it the Lava Flow Oasis, since it leads out to another small grassy island. The former is a boardwalk safely taking you around in a loop to see the lava. The latter is a lightly cairned route to get out to a hump of land in the middle of the lava flow. It's a pretty cool little spot. You can see Sierra Blanca Peak in the distance.

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Starting along the Malpais Nature Trail.
Starting along the Malpais Nature Trail.
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End of the Malpais Nature Trail.
End of the Malpais Nature Trail.
Entering an opening in the fence for the Lava Flow Oasis.
Entering an opening in the fence for the Lava Flow Oasis.
First of two small islands of land amongst the lava flow.
First of two small islands of land amongst the lava flow.
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Image 11 from gallery
Second of the two islands ahead.
Second of the two islands ahead.
Close-up of some cracks in the lava.
Close-up of some cracks in the lava.
Approaching the second land island.
Approaching the second land island.
View along the edge of the lava flow and the land island.
View along the edge of the lava flow and the land island.
Image 16 from gallery
Top of the land island, Sierra Blanca Peak up there on the left somewhere.
Top of the land island, Sierra Blanca Peak up there on the left somewhere.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!