From our parking spot off Kofa Queen Canyon Road, we headed up this canyon, which led east.

Cereus Tank.

View back down the canyon.

At a minor saddle at the top of the canyon. We now dropped down through this canyon. I recommend staying out of the drainage as much as possible since it's pretty brushy down there.

At the base of our descent canyon, we merged with this much more pleasant wash, Tunnel Mine Canyon.

Kofa Queen visible center. We left Tunnel Mine Canyon and headed through the slightly brushy arroyo-riddled terrain toward the peak's base. We ascended via a Class 2/3 bouldery gully in the center of this photo. The goal is to reach the notch just right of the jagged ridge of Kofa Queen.

View back the way we came, Tunnel Mine Canyon draining from center left.

Kofa Queen above. We ascended to a steep notch in the center of this photo.

Class 2/3 steep gully to reach a notch.

View back down the gully.

Class 3/4 move to get out of the gully and onto higher ground.

Cholla forest below the ridge.

At the ridge, Kofa Queen Peak in view in the center. Mike headed along the jagged Class 4 ridge, but Chris and I kept to the right, side-hilling to the notch on the right (north of the ridge).

View back toward the ridge we came from, now at the notch.

At the notch, view up toward Kofa Queen (top right). Class 3/4 gully ahead.

View back down at the notch. You can also see the ridge we came from on the top right in this photo.

Chris coming up the Class 3/4 chute, which led to Kofa Queen's summit headwall.

Mike playing around on a lower-grade, but very loose option on the left side of the headwall.

Chris leading the route. I was belaying, so Mike took this photo.

Close-up toward the meat of the technical climb.

A shot of the full route that Chris led, Mike seen climbing here.

At the top of the technical portion, view toward the summit.

Class 3/4 to gain the summit, which is just behind where Mike is standing.

View back toward the boulder anchor (right of Chris in this photo), as we reach the summit block.

Kofa Queen summit, view northwest.

Kofa Queen summit, view toward Signal Peak.

Kofa Queen summit, view southeast.

Rappelling from Kofa Queen.
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