Starting into a wash from Northshore Road.

Immediately after entering the wash, some crazy formations in the walls appear.

Class 3 move to get over this dryfall.

Entering an unexpectedly gorgeous canyon.

Really amazing find, and so relatively close to the road.

After the interesting slot widens, a couple more Class 2 obstacles to hop over.

Knob Peak ahead, some more interesting moves and canyon features in the foreground.

My chosen route follows the cliff face of Knob Peak. You can either do some easy Class 3 moves on mostly solid rock, or scramble up Class 2 scree. I did a combination of both, but it's not nearly as hard as it looks from below.

Class 2+ stuff on crazy-colored rock.

Nearing the summit ridge, close-up of the wash I came up. You can see Northshore Road in the center.

Wider view of the route. The canyon in the center is where I came up.

Wide view from Knob Peak summit, Anniversary Narrows in the center, Endless Peak on the left.

Close-up of Endless Peak (left), and Anniversary Narrows.
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