Starting up Knife Peak, looking east toward Slabs Peak. You can see my car down there for scale.

Really fun scrambling up the eastern ridge of Knife Peak's east peak.

Slabs Peak from near the summit of Knife Peak's east peak.

Heading down from Knife Peak's east peak to the true peak ahead.

Looking back toward Knife Peak's east peak.

Short Class 3 couple of moves to gain Knife Peak's summit.

Looking down Knife Peak's Class 3 section, and the ridge from Knife Peak's east peak.

Approaching Knife Peak summit.

Knife Peak summit, view west.

Knife Peak summit, view east toward the way I came.

Knife Peak summit looking south toward Lake Mead.

Back at my car, heading up the west ridge of Slabs Peak ahead.

Starting up Slabs Peak.

Looking back toward Knife Peak.

Approaching the incredible knife edge.

Long knife-edge to the summit, which isn't a clearly defined high point, in my opinion.

Looking back along the knife edge.

A particularly interesting section of the knife edge.

Just after pulling a solid Class 3 move.

Looking back from what I think is the high point of Slabs Peak.

Slabs Peak summit looking east toward Endless Peak.

My descent gully.

Looking back toward Slabs Peak, my descent gully on the right.

Headed back through the desert to my car, Knife Peak visible ahead.
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