Bates Well Ranch cabin.

Inside the cabin.

We set off to the south from Bates Well Ranch, some mining detritus left behind along the way.

We hiked through a wash briefly and found this trail on its opposite site. Kino Peak seen center.

The trail led to this road, and the road continued south.

Getting closer.

The road led to another trail that slowly ascended to a saddle, seen ahead of Matt.

At the saddle, looking back.

At the saddle, view toward Kino Peak. Our first goal is to reach the rock outcrop just right of center.

Keeping right of the rock outcrop (seen on the left).

View back toward the saddle we came up as we traverse beneath the rock outcrop.

Past the rock outcrop, some Class 2.

View back toward the saddle. We came up from right above Matt. Rock outcrop that we wrapped around is seen top right.

A social trail leads around some more rock outcroppings.

View back along the social trail.

A Class 2+ section as we continue along the east ridge. Kino Peak seen peeking out on the left.

Class 3 move, avoidable.

Along a narrow ridge leading to a viewpoint of Kino Peak.

View back along the narrow ridge from the way we came.

End of the road. Kino Peak seen ahead, a land bridge just below out of frame. We'd have to reach the landbridge first. You can sort of see the route to come, which leads left to right beneath the higher cliffs on the right in this photo. Then we'd go back left along the ridgeline.

On the left, near the end of the ridge, we located a Class 3 down-climb to get into an ugly gully.

View back at Matt doing the Class 3 down-climb, Kino Peak visible up top.

Descending the gully. A ledge on above Matt serves as a way to wrap around and ultimately gain the landbridge.

View back up the gully we came down, and would need to reascend later.

A short Class 3 move to get up to the landbridge.

Wider shot. Landbridge seen center, friends seen on the right above the Class 3 move.

At the landbridge, now continuing north at the base of Kino Peak's upper cliffs.

View back toward the ridge we were just on and had to descend from. Chris is seen at the landbridge right now.

Fairly straightforward hiking on Class 2 leads north along the base of the cliffs. You can see Matt ahead.

View back along the nice ledge. The ridge we dropped from earlier visible on the left.

Farther along the ledge, view back again.

Chris ascending a Class 2 gully to gain the ridgeline.

Along the northern ridgeline of Kino Peak.

Wandering along the ridgeline, not exceeding Class 2.

Kino Peak summit block, Class 2.

Kino Peak, view southwest.

Kino Peak, view east.
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