Kelbaholt Peak left of center.

Heading to the base of Kelbaholt Peak.

Class 2/3 to get to Kelbaholt Peak's base.

Class 3 move.

At the base of Kelbaholt Peak, admiring its sheer face as we head along the rim of a cliff. The gully left of center is tempting, but it's not the route. Instead head to the overexposed rock in the center of this phoot.

View back along the cliff, our cars on the far left somewhere.

Class 3 on big conglomerate pebbles, surprisingly solid. A short crevasse above this brought us to flatter ground.

Flattish section as we head to the right around Kelbaholt Peak's cliffs.

Heading around Kelbaholt Peak's cliffs.

Up a gully with a yucca at its base.

View down the gully.

Class 3 to the top of the gully. Above this, we kept to the cliff base, heading right.

We traversed along the base of the cliff on the left, then took a short down-climb to reach the gully in the center.

View down this next gully.

At the top of the gully, Kelbaholt Peak came into view (it's somewhere up there). The route requires side-hilling to one of the gullies in the center of this photo.

Ascending the Class 2 slope leading to a gully

Up the loose gully.

Almost to the short Class 3 crevasse move.

View down the crevasse. Behind me is the ridgeline.


Class 3 airy move along the ridgeline.

Looking back along the summit ridge.

Kelbaholt Peak ahead.

Close-up toward Peak 3687 (right) and Fools Point left of center a bit obscured.

Wide shot looking south toward the northern Nopah range.

Back at the base of Kelbaholt, we found a Class 2 option to get off the cliff I mentioned previously. The sheer face we admired is sort of visible on the right in this photo.

Side-hilling at the base of Kelbaholt Peak to gain a Class 3 steep gully pioneered by Bob Burd.

Class 3 steep gully coming up.

Entering the steep gully.

Lots of fun Class 2/3/3+ obstacles within the drainage.

View back as we make progress.

More fun scrambling.

The crux of the drainage, Class 4 on very good holds.

Once we made it to the top of the drainage, we kept to the left and wrapped around the cliff visible on the far left.

View back down the drainage we came out of (bottom center) as we ascended to the saddle northwest of Peak 3687. Kelbaholt Peak's false summit visible top.

At the saddle, Peak 3687 on the right somewhere. Class 2. We followed the base of its eastern cliffs for a bit.

Weakness to gain higher ground.

Class 2+ narrow ramp.

Peak 3687 ahead. Matt and Tyler went the scary way, jumping over a severely exposed arch, but Kailey and I kept to the left.

Class 2 alternative.

We came from the right in the sunlight. Kailey is seen in the baby arch that Matt/Tyler jumped across (dummies).

Peak 3687 summit, view toward Carsons Benchmark (top center).

Close-up toward Fools Point (left of center), Peak 3336 just behind it, Carsons Benchmark and Lincoln's Nose top left (another day).

Back down from Peak 3687, heading down the drainage to the east.

View back toward Peak 3687.

Fools Point comes into view on the left. You'll see three ramps, take the leftmost one.

Heading up Fools Point.

Steep Class 2 ramp.

Class 3+ move toward the top of the ramp.

Shot back down at our progress up the ramp. Just behind me is a rest area before the crux.

Class 5 section up Fools Point. Matt is just below the crux of the face.

Kailey at the crux.

View back down from above the crux. I'm standing on a ledge where we all huddled to stay out of the wind. It was big enough to fit all four of us somewhat comfortably.

Class 3+ exposed move on the broken face, just above the Class 5 section.

Class 2 loose slope just above the Class 3+.

Summit of Fools Point.

Close-up toward Peak 3336, center. Lincoln's Nose (far left), and Carsons Benchmark (top center).

Fools Point summit, view toward Peak 3687 left of center.

Back down from Fools Point, we ascended to a saddle before descending again. The drainage above my friends is where we came from after doing Peak 3687.

Peak 3336 on the left, the impossible-looking Peak 3369 on the right. We descended to the drainage in the center before ascending again to the saddle of the two peaks, center.

View back toward Fools Point (right) and Peak 3687 (center).

Class 2 for the first bit up to Peak 3336.

Class 3 section.

Looking down the same Class 3 section.

Class 3 section higher up, Peak 3339 visible top right.

Along the ridgeline to the lower peak of Peak 3339.

View along the ridge as we make our way to the summit. We ascended from the slope on the right in this photo. There's another itty summit behind Kailey, but that's certainly not the high point.

Summit of Peak 3336 (or at least the southern one on my attached map), view along the knife edge to the northern summit. I backtracked to find a better way there.

Class 2 option to get to Peak 3336's northern point.

Peak 3336 northern point, view along the ridgeline back to the southern point.

Shot toward Fools Point, Peak 3687, and Kelbaholt Peak.

On our way down the drainage after coming down from Peak 3336.

Looking back toward the saddle of Peak 3336 and Peak 3339, Peak 3339 on the left. We followed a major wash, took an old road, and made our way back to the car.
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