Approaching the 800+ step descent.

Kaymoor top abandoned building.

The stairs down.

Looking back up the stairs from the bottom.

The stairwell ends and opens to a lesser-traveled trail leading to a series of abandoned buildings.

Back at the top of the stairs, continuing on my loop.

Some nice views of the New River along the way.

A waterfall as you near the Kaymoor Trailhead.

Nearing the bridge over Wolf Creek.

Bridge over Wolf Creek.

Kaymoor Trailhead. Go onto the road for a minute before continuing onto the Fayetteville Trail.

A short excursion leads underneath the New River Bridge.

Junction with the Timber Ridge Trail.

Onward toward the Long Point Junction.

Starting the detour to get to Long Point. Most of the trail leading to Long Point looks like this.

Long Point.

Back along the Fayetteville Trail, making my way back to the trailhead.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!