
The first mile or two of the Long Path is along an old roadbed.

Potentially confusing junction, marked well with signs.

The road turns into a trail.

On my visit, everything was flooded pretty severely.

Ascending to the saddle on Kaaterskill High Peak's east side.

The trail leads along the north side of the peak, mostly flat for a significant time.

Yeah, it was a wet mess on my visit.

Junction where I left the Long Trail and started south. The trail is marked first by red blazes for a skimobile trail, but the Kaaterskill High Peak social trail leaves the blazed route.

Ascending to Kaaterskill High Peak.

Some Class 2.

Looking back at the social trail. It's overall easy to follow, but it ascends steeply and has lots of roots and some short Class 2 sections.

View back at the steepness.

An overlook near the summit.

After the steep stuff, a web of trails leads around the summit area, but one is major enough to be pretty obvious. Just ensure you're still ascending to the south and you'll be fine.

Last bit to the summit.

Kaaterskill High Peak summit.
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