Starting up from the trailhead along this eroded dirt road.

Pretty nutty erosion on the dirt road. View back to the trailhead.

Ascending Jupiter Mountain.

Bouquet Reservoir when looking back.

Jupiter Mountain ahead, the dirt road pretty steep most of the way.

View back. Trailhead on the left, Bouquet Reservoir on the right.

Bouquet Reservoir.

Jupiter Mountain summit, Juno Peak seen right of center.

Heading down the steep dirt road on my way to Juno Peak.

Close-up toward Juno Peak. You can see the trail I'll be taking to get back to the trailhead on the bottom right in this photo.

View back toward Jupiter Mountain, as well as the trail descent later carved in the center of the slope on the left.

Along the ridgeline to Juno Peak, just a dirt road walk.

Juno Peak, view back toward Jupiter Mountain.

Close-up toward Grass Mountain and Green Valley CA.

After backtracking, I took the nice trail that hugs the northern slope of Jupiter Mountain.

View back toward Juno Peak.

The trail weaves in and out of the gullies along Jupiter Mountain's northern slope.

Nearing the trailhead, the windy Spunky Canyon Road seen center.
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