At the north end of the parking lot. Following the road would result in a "no trespassing" sign. Instead, we headed toward the center of this photo through some light bushwhacking.

Easy off-trail hiking.

View back toward the parking lot (far right) as we made our way up the slope.

We encountered a social trail around halfway up.

View back on the social trail. The trailhead is just above Austin, obscured by trees.

Along the social trail, headed to the ridge above.

We got to the ridge. This is a view toward James Peak. We headed to the left in this photo and followed an animal trail as it side-hilled below Cobabe Peak.

Along an animal trail.

James Peak becomes visible.

Along an obvious trail to the summit.

View back, Cobabe Peak on the right. We came up from the ridge in the center of this photo.

Ascending to James Peak.

Another shot back, Cobabe Peak center.

James Peak summit, view north.

Close-up toward Pineview Reservoir and Eyrie Peak to the southwest.

Back along the trail, headed up to Cobabe Peak.

Cobabe Peak, view back toward James Peak.

We descended on an easy dirt road.

View back toward Cobabe Peak (right) and James Peak (left).


Approaching the houses that had "private property" posted.

Just before leaving the dirt road to hike along an unmarked ski slope back to the parking lot.
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