Class 1 10.2 miles 2600 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Sep 8, 2022

Jackson Peak GPX Track

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Bad weather avoidance brought us to Jackson Peak, a nice peak with a trail leading to its summit just outside of Jackson, WY. Unfortunately, the road to reach the trailhead is a bit long and often rocky. You'll need decent tires and some clearance to reach it, or expect to add a couple of miles to the hike. Some nice forest walking along the Goodwin Lake Trail led us up to the extended northern ridge of Jackson Peak. As we continued along this ridge, we were given some sporadic views to the east through the trees. The trail continues away from the ridge and over to Goodwin Lake before continuing south to a junction with the Jackson Peak Trail. Some steeper hiking got us up to the south ridge of Jackson Peak, where the views toward Gros Peak and neighboring mountains of the Gros Ventre Wilderness were excellent. The trail continued all the way to the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Jackson Peak
10741 ft
981 rise

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Starting along the Goodwin Lake Trail.
Starting along the Goodwin Lake Trail.
View back as we enter the forest.
View back as we enter the forest.
Goodwin Lake Trail.
Goodwin Lake Trail.
Along the northern, extended ridge of Jackson Peak.
Along the northern, extended ridge of Jackson Peak.
Some meadows offer views to the east.
Some meadows offer views to the east.
Entering the Gros Ventre Wilderness.
Entering the Gros Ventre Wilderness.
Views opening up some more.
Views opening up some more.
View back as we progress to Goodwin Lake.
View back as we progress to Goodwin Lake.
Easy creek crossing.
Easy creek crossing.
Goodwin Lake. Jackson Peak is up there in the center.
Goodwin Lake. Jackson Peak is up there in the center.
Continuing past Goodwin Lake along the east side of Jackson Peak.
Continuing past Goodwin Lake along the east side of Jackson Peak.
Jackson Peak up there.
Jackson Peak up there.
Junction with the Jackson Peak Trail.
Junction with the Jackson Peak Trail.
View back.
View back.
Ascending to the south ridge of Jackson Peak.
Ascending to the south ridge of Jackson Peak.
Ascending to the south ridge.
Ascending to the south ridge.
Gros Peak seen center.
Gros Peak seen center.
Along the south ridge of Jackson Peak.
Along the south ridge of Jackson Peak.
View back along the south ridge.
View back along the south ridge.
View back along the south ridge.
View back along the south ridge.
The summit of Jackson Peak, view south.
The summit of Jackson Peak, view south.
View west.
View west.
View north, Goodwin Lake seen below.
View north, Goodwin Lake seen below.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!