Starting at the East Fork trailhead, Iron Mountain peeking out in the distance.

Start along the wide dirt road.

Leave the dirt road on the Heaton Flat Trail.

East Fork below (the dirt road leading to Bridge to Nowhere).

Approaching the saddle (not pictured).

Just starting along the ridgeline that approaches Iron Mountian. This is looking down back toward the saddle, a few hundred feet down.

Crap. Iron Mountain is still far away.

The ridgeline the trail takes, Mt. Baldy in the distance.

Along the ridge.

Looking back along the ridge.

Toward the end of the ridge, looking up toward Iron Mountain.

Very steep at some points.

Mt. Baldy in the distance.

Making progress along the ridge toward the summit.

Looking back along the ridge.

Ahead toward the summit, still a bit away.

Looking back, East Fork on the right.

Along the ridge, Mt. Baldy in the distance.

Looking back along the ridge.

Looking ahead along the ridge.

Nearing the summit.

Looking back along the ridge.

Looking back along the ridge.

The summit! Mt. Baldy on the right.

Summit view, looking back the way I came.
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