Iron Mountain Trailhead.

The trail begins through rows of oaks.

Iron Mountain seen top right. The trail initially leads to the saddle seen left of center.

Along the Iron Mountain Trail, Iron Mountain seen top right.

View back along the dirt road/trail.

The Iron Mountain Trail narrows a bit and becomes more trail-like.

At the saddle, a trail junction. Iron Mountain seen right of center.

View back along the Iron Mountain Trail, shortly after the first set of switchbacks.

Many switchbacks up Iron Mountain.

View back at the many switchbacks. Ramona Overlook Peak seen top center.

Ascending the low-angle switchbacks.

Nearing the summit of Iron Mountain, Ramona Overlook Peak and North Iron Mountain both visible on the left.

Iron Mountain summit, view south.

Iron Mountain summit, view west. Iron Mountain Trail seen below on the right.

Back at the junction, now along the Ellie Lane Trail.

The Ellie Lane Trail drops a bit before ascending toward Ramona Overlook Peak.

Ascending toward Ramona Overlook Peak, hidden right of center.

View back.

Southern shoulder of Ramona Overlook Peak seen ahead. I didn't take photos of the social trail to Ramona Overlook Peak since it was currently closed for raptor nesting. From memory during a previous ascent, it's a nice social trail leading to a short bushwhack and a Class 2 scramble to the high point.

After dropping down along the Ellie Lane Trail, I located a side-trail that popped in on the right and led across this drainage. The Ellie Lane Trail is seen on the left of the drainage.

North Iron Mountain comes into view.

A clearing with lovely views.

View back toward Ramona Overlook Peak, obscured a false summit.

Heading up toward North Iron Mountain on a steeper social trail. It took me a minute to locate the start of this trail.

Steep trail zig-zagging around boulders.

Nearing the summit of North Iron Mountain, a view back toward Ramona Overlook Peak (far left) and Iron Mountain (right of center).

North Iron Mountain summit boulder. More fearless scramblers than myself use the tree seen center to reach it.

A view north toward Highway 67.

A shot of the Class 5 crux. Basically, use the tree to scramble to the slab, hop onto that loose-looking boulder in the center, wrap left, and then scramble up the summit boulder. Not for me today thanks.

View back toward North Iron Mountain as I make my way back along the Ellie Lane Trail.

A cute pond along the way.

I took a series of social trails back to the trailhead. This is a view back to the peaks I was just hiking.
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