Ireteba Peaks High Point in Ireteba Peaks Wilderness BLM, NV

Hike Ireteba Peaks High Point Ireteba Peaks Wilderness BLM, NV

Class 2 4.1 miles 1700 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Mar 4, 2020

Ireteba Peaks High Point GPX Track

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I drove out on good dirt roads to the trailhead, stopping as it became more rocky than I was comfortable. Some may need to start earlier, and others can likely drive farther. I continued on foot on the eroding road and then dropped left into a wash that ran east toward the base of Ireteba Peaks. I left this wash to instead ascend via a slopey ridge to the north rather than having to deal with progressively steepeing terrain later. There were some minor bumps along this east-heading ridge where I lost and regained some vertical gain, and I also encountered a couple of easy Class 2 sections.

The ridge led me to the main Ireteba Peaks ridge crest, where I turned south to the high point. Along the way, some more Class 2 boulders that added some fun, and a short Class 2+ couple of moves brought me to the summit. Nice views to the east of the Colorado River. If you're looking for a longer outing, check out this traverse of the Ireteba Peaks as an alternative to this route which I thought was over too quickly.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Ireteba Peaks
5072 ft
1496 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Heading on foot along the degrading road.
Heading on foot along the degrading road.
I dropped into a wash on the left and followed it.
I dropped into a wash on the left and followed it.
I left the wash and by heading left up a slope to gain a ridge. This shot was taken as I continue along the ridge.
I left the wash and by heading left up a slope to gain a ridge. This shot was taken as I continue along the ridge.
Continuing along the ridge, Irebeba Peaks High Point visible center.
Continuing along the ridge, Irebeba Peaks High Point visible center.
Some Class 2 along the ridge.
Some Class 2 along the ridge.
Looking back along the ridge. The wash I came out of is visible below on the left.
Looking back along the ridge. The wash I came out of is visible below on the left.
Approaching the ridge crest that would lead to Ireteba Peaks.
Approaching the ridge crest that would lead to Ireteba Peaks.
Ireteba Peaks ahead.
Ireteba Peaks ahead.
Image 8 from gallery
At the ridge crest, looking back along the ridge I ascended from, the wash I started in visible on the left.
At the ridge crest, looking back along the ridge I ascended from, the wash I started in visible on the left.
Along the Class 2 ridge crest to Ireteba Peaks.
Along the Class 2 ridge crest to Ireteba Peaks.
Class 2 along this ridge.
Class 2 along this ridge.
Looking back, the initial ridge I used to get to the ridge crest visible on the left.
Looking back, the initial ridge I used to get to the ridge crest visible on the left.
Class 2+ move to gain the summit. You might be able to find an easier option by wrapping around on the right.
Class 2+ move to gain the summit. You might be able to find an easier option by wrapping around on the right.
Looking down the Class 2+ move.
Looking down the Class 2+ move.
Ireteba Peaks summit view north the way I came.
Ireteba Peaks summit view north the way I came.
Ireteba Peaks summit, view south, Colorado River out there.
Ireteba Peaks summit, view south, Colorado River out there.
Close-up of the Colorado River.
Close-up of the Colorado River.
View into the wash I started up (left), and the initial ridge I used to get to the ridge crest (right). My car is somewhere left of center.
View into the wash I started up (left), and the initial ridge I used to get to the ridge crest (right). My car is somewhere left of center.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!