Class 2 4.2 miles 2300 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back May 16, 2021

Indian Peak GPX Track

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Indian Peak is a really nice mountain in a very remote area of Utah. Pine Valley Road, the main dirt road thats runs north to south through the valley and is used to access the area, is in amazing shape. If coming from the south, the turn off to reach Indian Peak is here (38.21361, -113.67103), and this road to the trailhead is likely passable by any vehicle, though passenger cars might be a little cautious on a few short spots. If coming from the north, the turn off from Pine Valley Road is here (38.32677, -113.722), and this road is great except for a couple of rough spots that passenger cars likely can't do. Either way, the trailhead was less work to reach than anticipated, but I felt like I was driving forever. There's no gas for 70+ miles in all directions.

I chose this trailhead because the northern route that seems more commonly completed looked steep and brushy, while this route included a social trail and very light brush. I don't know how the northern route is, but this route was lovely and I definitely recommend it. I started from my parking spot and headed west along the remains of an old jeep road. The road ended shortly after at a jumble of tracks within a wide gully, and I thought for a moment I'd be bushwhacking. However, with a tiny bit of poking around I located an unmarked trail that was obvious enough to make me feel confident to follow it through the forest. This trail was excellent and I have no idea why. It's not marked on any maps I could find, but for the first half mile is as good as any maintained trail in Utah. The trail became a little more difficult to follow for a hundred feet or so before reaching a clearing, where animals seem to switchback up a steep section. At this clearing was a spring with some sort of wilderness monitor. Like the doofus I am, I waved at the camera before continuing west through the clearing. Animals have carved a really nice trail through the wide and open gully, and I had no problem getting to the south side of Indian Peak.

Once at the south side of Indian Peak, I was happy to find the steep ascent slope would be a mostly pleasant endeavor. When viewing a satellite map, it's hard to tell quite how bad brush will be, and this section had me slightly concerned. However, the slope had animal trails leading all over the place and the brush was easily avoidable. I followed the animal trails through the brush and had no issues getting up to a fence, except of course for a half dozen ticks crawling up my legs. I'll note that it might be tempting to head directly to the ridgeline to the west from within the gully, but the ridgeline is tree-covered and I can't imagine it's easier than the route I took. I followed the fence north and it brought me up to the final ascent slope leading to the summit of Indian Peak. The views were really amazing, particularly the hills to the south. I returned the way I came.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Indian Peak
9790 ft
3650 rise

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Starting from my parking spot, I headed along an old road. Indian Peak visible top right.
Starting from my parking spot, I headed along an old road. Indian Peak visible top right.
Looking back toward the trailhead, the Wah Wah Mountains visible in the distance.
Looking back toward the trailhead, the Wah Wah Mountains visible in the distance.
The old road turned into a trail.
The old road turned into a trail.
Looking back along the nice trail.
Looking back along the nice trail.
Making progress through the forest along the nice trail.
Making progress through the forest along the nice trail.
Image 5 from gallery
View back as I make my way up the forested gully.
View back as I make my way up the forested gully.
The trail becomes a little more difficult to follow toward the end, just before reaching a clearing.
The trail becomes a little more difficult to follow toward the end, just before reaching a clearing.
A nice clearing with a spring and a wildlife monitor.
A nice clearing with a spring and a wildlife monitor.
View back down the gully toward the trailhead from within the clearing.
View back down the gully toward the trailhead from within the clearing.
An animal trail continues west through the wide gully.
An animal trail continues west through the wide gully.
View back again.
View back again.
Wide shot of the whole gully I was hiking up, view back the way I came.
Wide shot of the whole gully I was hiking up, view back the way I came.
The gully opens up into this wide clearing. This is a view of the route I took to gain the peak. Keeping farther left would result in following a tree-covered ridgeline, but as you can see just left of center the terrain is pretty clear of brush/trees, so I went this way. Indian Peak visible top right.
The gully opens up into this wide clearing. This is a view of the route I took to gain the peak. Keeping farther left would result in following a tree-covered ridgeline, but as you can see just left of center the terrain is pretty clear of brush/trees, so I went this way. Indian Peak visible top right.
View back down the slope into the gully I ascended from.
View back down the slope into the gully I ascended from.
Slope walking.
Slope walking.
View back down.
View back down.
I reached a fence, which I followed north.
I reached a fence, which I followed north.
Along the fenceline, view back the way I came. The gully I came out of is visible center.
Along the fenceline, view back the way I came. The gully I came out of is visible center.
Final ridge ascent to the summit.
Final ridge ascent to the summit.
Indian Peak summit, view south.
Indian Peak summit, view south.
Indian Peak summit, view south. The register was quite full.
Indian Peak summit, view south. The register was quite full.
Indian Peak summit, view north.
Indian Peak summit, view north.
Artsy-ish photo on the way back.
Artsy-ish photo on the way back.
Back at the trailhead, nice views toward a rocky peak to the east.
Back at the trailhead, nice views toward a rocky peak to the east.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!