Indecision Peak and First Creek Overlook Loop in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Hike Indecision Peak and First Creek Overlook Loop Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Class 3 10.9 miles 4400 gain 6-8 hrs Loop Mar 28, 2019

Indecision Peak and First Creek Overlook Loop GPX Track

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This turned out to be a great loop in Red Rocks, with some interesting scrambling, incredible views into First Creek Canyon, and a variety of peaks to bag. I started along the First Creek Trail looking for cairns to mark a social trail leading south from the official trail with no luck, so I headed into the desert until I stumbled upon multiple cairned routes. One of these routes led up a steep slope that dropped me into a talus-fulled gully that I followed to a flat section with great views to the south. Alternatively, you could just head up this talus slope from its base, but I was happy with avoiding a bit of it. once on the flat section, I followed cairns that sort of seemed to be leading me nowhere, as the elevation gain was minimal at first and I was wrapping around the south side of Indecision Peak. Eventually, the cairned route led through a rabbit hole and along a ledge before spitting me at the base of a wide gully, where cairned continued to lead me to high ground while avoiding significant brush. The route basically led to the summit of Indecision Peak, and from here some Class 2 led to No Decision Peak, Decided Peak, and then onward to First Creek Overlook along the ridgeline. I love when peak names follow a theme, but this was ridiculous. The views along the limestone crest down into First Creek Canyon were pretty incredible.

First Creek Overlook was protected by cliffs to the east, so I worked around the north side, heading down a steep slope that appeared to have received some human foot erosion. In order to avoid descending too far, I made my own route, traversing through some brush and working my way back to the east ridge, below the cliffs protecting the summit. The route led down to the social trail that many people take to the summit of Mt. Wilson via First Creek. This trail continues into First Creek Canyon and leads back to the trailhead, but I decided to take a quick detour to go bag First Creek Peak. This required leaving the canyon temporarily to follow a faint social trail to the south, where the route traverses a steep slope and gains the peak's west ridge. This, like many peaks in Red Rocks, is barely a peak and more of an overlook with a rock outcropping, but it's a pleasant detour nonetheless. Once at the summit block's base, head around the left side and summit via the east face, where an unexposed Class 4 move avoids the unpleasant overhanging options you'd get from the west side. Like other summit blocks that I've done in the area requiring a single Class 4 move, I couldn't justify calling my whole route Class 4 because of this small obstacle. Once I summited, I worked my way back into First Creek Canyon and used the standard route to get back.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Indecision Peak
6431 ft
123 rise
No Decision Peak
6704 ft
224 rise
Decided Peak
6840 ft
200 rise
First Creek Overlook Peak
6969 ft
178 rise
First Creek Peak
5990 ft
70 rise

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Starting out from the First Creek Trailhead. First Creek in the center, just left of Mt. Wilson. The route up to Indecision Peak heads up the mountain featured on the left in this photo.
Starting out from the First Creek Trailhead. First Creek in the center, just left of Mt. Wilson. The route up to Indecision Peak heads up the mountain featured on the left in this photo.
After leaving the First Creek Trail and traversing the desert, I got to the base of Indecision Peak. The two big obvious gullies pictured here are not the destination. Keep to the left on the slope in the center.
After leaving the First Creek Trail and traversing the desert, I got to the base of Indecision Peak. The two big obvious gullies pictured here are not the destination. Keep to the left on the slope in the center.
Heading up the slope, following a social trail.
Heading up the slope, following a social trail.
The social trail leads to this talus slope. I dropped into it and follow it up.
The social trail leads to this talus slope. I dropped into it and follow it up.
Looking down the talus slope.
Looking down the talus slope.
Heading up the talus slope. Watch for loose boulders.
Heading up the talus slope. Watch for loose boulders.
At the top of the talus slope, cairns leading to the left around the cliffs.
At the top of the talus slope, cairns leading to the left around the cliffs.
Class 2/3 moves as you head around the cliffs.
Class 2/3 moves as you head around the cliffs.
Looking back down an interesting section. It's hard to describe the route, but cairns make it fairly easy to follow.
Looking back down an interesting section. It's hard to describe the route, but cairns make it fairly easy to follow.
Image 9 from gallery
The route leads through a rabbit hole and then along a ledge.
The route leads through a rabbit hole and then along a ledge.
Looking back at the ledge and rabbit hole under the boulder on the left.
Looking back at the ledge and rabbit hole under the boulder on the left.
A gully that gains lots of elevation, a social trail leading safely through the brush.
A gully that gains lots of elevation, a social trail leading safely through the brush.
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Looking back down the gully.
Looking back down the gully.
Cairns led me through a couple of cracks to the left of the gully to avoid a dryfall.
Cairns led me through a couple of cracks to the left of the gully to avoid a dryfall.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
Last bit of Class 2 just below the summit of Indecision Peak.
Last bit of Class 2 just below the summit of Indecision Peak.
Indecision Peak summit, looking south.
Indecision Peak summit, looking south.
Indecision Peak summit, looking north toward Mt. Wilson. My route follows the ridge on the far left.
Indecision Peak summit, looking north toward Mt. Wilson. My route follows the ridge on the far left.
Along the ridge, bagging a couple of peaks with the "Decision" theme along the way.
Along the ridge, bagging a couple of peaks with the "Decision" theme along the way.
Looking back toward Indecision Peak.
Looking back toward Indecision Peak.
View into First Creek Canyon.
View into First Creek Canyon.
Approaching First Creek Overlook.
Approaching First Creek Overlook.
First Creek Overlook, looking back along the ridge I came up.
First Creek Overlook, looking back along the ridge I came up.
First Creek Overlook, looking toward Mt. Wilson on the left, Indecision Peak blocked on the right by No Decision Peak. First Creek Canyon in the center. First Creek Overlook descent in the foreground is blocked by cliffs.
First Creek Overlook, looking toward Mt. Wilson on the left, Indecision Peak blocked on the right by No Decision Peak. First Creek Canyon in the center. First Creek Overlook descent in the foreground is blocked by cliffs.
Close-up of First Creek Peak (center left bump), my next destination.
Close-up of First Creek Peak (center left bump), my next destination.
Working around the north side of First Creek Overlook to avoid cliffs.
Working around the north side of First Creek Overlook to avoid cliffs.
Along the ridge to the saddle with Mt. Wilson.
Along the ridge to the saddle with Mt. Wilson.
Looking down at First Creek Peak (center). Indecision Peak is visible at the tippy top.
Looking down at First Creek Peak (center). Indecision Peak is visible at the tippy top.
Looking back toward First Creek Overlook. You can see the cliffs preventing easy access.
Looking back toward First Creek Overlook. You can see the cliffs preventing easy access.
Wide shot of the ridge I took, First Creek Overlook on the right.
Wide shot of the ridge I took, First Creek Overlook on the right.
Heading down on the Mt. Wilson social trail approach into First Creek Canyon.
Heading down on the Mt. Wilson social trail approach into First Creek Canyon.
I left First Creek Canyon to get up to First Creek Peak (center).
I left First Creek Canyon to get up to First Creek Peak (center).
Looking back into First Creek Canyon from the route to First Creek Peak. First Creek Overlook visible top left.
Looking back into First Creek Canyon from the route to First Creek Peak. First Creek Overlook visible top left.
Summit block of First Creek Peak.
Summit block of First Creek Peak.
Class 4 moves to the summit.
Class 4 moves to the summit.
First Creek Peak summit, looking down into First Creek.
First Creek Peak summit, looking down into First Creek.
Back in First Creek Canyon, First Creek Peak visible on top.
Back in First Creek Canyon, First Creek Peak visible on top.
Beautiful slickrock and water cascades within First Creek Canyon.
Beautiful slickrock and water cascades within First Creek Canyon.
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Lots of fun boulder obstacles, but eventually a social trail materialized on the south side of the canyon that makes progress faster.
Lots of fun boulder obstacles, but eventually a social trail materialized on the south side of the canyon that makes progress faster.
Image 47 from gallery
Image 48 from gallery
Looking back up First Creek Canyon.
Looking back up First Creek Canyon.
Along the First Creek Trail, Mt. wilson visible on the right.
Along the First Creek Trail, Mt. wilson visible on the right.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!