An old road leading down to Willow Spring. Iguana Peak is up there in the center.

Within Sacatone Wash, past willow Spring, heading east.

Within the wash, Iguana Peak seen above. There a unique, big grotto above Matt's head, which we used as our initial landmark as to when to leave Sacatone Wash and head south.

Looking back within the wash.

We left Sacatone Wash and headed toward the brushy-looking drainage ahead.

A gorgeous grotto on the left side of the drainage. we navigated pretty slickrock on the right (west) side of the drainage, Class 2.

We cross over to the left before the brush got too bad. You can see Iguana Peak top right. We used the steep slope on the left in this photo to get up there rather than go directly up the bouldery stuff in the center of this photo.

View back into the drainage.

Heading up the slope.

Just a shot west as we ascend the slope toward some of the gorgeous granite of the area.

A shot back toward the drainage, Spirit Mountain in the background.

Wider shot looking back.

Steeper stuff ahead as we near the ridge above.

Some Class 2 on loose stuff, including kitty-litter on slabs.

On the ridge, view toward Iguana Peak (left) and Spirit Mountain (right).

View back at a small dip along the ridgeline.

Approaching the summit dome of Iguana Peak.

Close-up of the route. We headed toward the boulders on the left, ascended up a ramp under a chockstone, then used the cracks on the right to ascend higher.

Class 2 toward the shadowy area over there.

View back toward the pretty granite ridge as I start up the summit dome.

Matt seen center for scale.

Under a chockstone.

View back from beneath the chockstone.

A wide ledge leading up to the crack system, seen center.

Matt coming up the crack.

Close-up of the first Class 4 crack.

At the base of the crux crack, a bit more exposure.

Matt coming up the crux Class 4+ crack.

Close-up of the second crack.

Above the crack, a water-stained drainage. Head left instead to wrap around and get above the stain.

To the left is this crevasse. Past the crevasse is a Class 2/3 slab.

Above the slab, we were now above the previously pictured water stain.

A little room with a tree. Matt seen starting up the last bit of the route.

About to head up the spot where Matt was pictured in the previous photo, leading to a small crevasse.

Summit of Iguana Peak, view toward Spirit Mountain.

Summit of Iguana Peak, view toward Grapevine Canyon.

Wider summit view toward Grapevine Canyon.
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