Starting along the Hyndman Creek Trail.

The trail parallels the creek and continues up a wide, meadowy drainage.

Beautiful meadows.

The trail leads up the hill in the center in order to reach the basin on the south side of Hyndman Peak.

View back down the Hyndman Creek drainage.

Meadows as we progress. Hyndman Peak pops in top right.

View back again toward the Hyndman Creek drainage.

Steeper section of trail.

Ascending into the basin below Hyndman.

Cool cascade that parallels the trail.

Gorgeous little basin. The jagged western ridge of Hyndman Peak seen left, Hyndman on the right.

More ascending toward the base of Hyndman Peak.

View back at our progress into the basin.

Hyndman Peak ahead. Our first goal is to reach the low point on the ridge (right).

Unnamed lake.

View back at the lake. The trail came up from the top left in this photo.

The trail starts to peter out past the lake.

Cairns mark the way through the talus. Saddle we're headed to seen center.

Some light Class 2.

View back down into the basin. Cobb Peak seen top left.

At the ridge crest, view toward Hyndman Peak.

Starting up from the saddle, view toward Old Hyndman Peak.

Incredible northeast face of Hyndman Peak.

View back at our progress along the crest. The saddle is seen right/center.

Wider shot of the ridge, Old Hyndman top right.

Class 2. You can see a large rock outcrop along the ridge. We kept left around it.

Another shot back. There are a few social trail options, but I recommend sticking close to the crest when possible.

More Class 2 as we make progress up Hyndman Peak.

View back at the impressive cliff on Hyman Peak's northeast face.

Close-up at the route up so far from the saddle.

Just below the summit, view east.

Hyndman Peak, view north.

Hyndman Peak, view southwest. we came up from the center. The Hyndman Creek drainage is seen center as well.

Hyndman Peak, view northwest.
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