Starting along the Manzana Trail, which parallels Manzana Creek.

View back, the trailhead seen left of center.

A bend in the Manzana Trail.

The trail stays above the creek for some time.

View back.

Hurricane Deck poking out ahead. The Manzana Trail drops down to the creek.

Crossing Manzana Creek.

Picking up the Potrero Canyon Trail.

View back toward Manzana Creek as I ascend the Potrero Canyon Trail.

Hurricane Deck ahead. The Potrero Canyon Trail is a bit overgrown.

View down into Manzana Creek. You can see the trail carved into the slope in the center, where I just was.

Open slopes with great views.

Another shot back down toward Manzana Creek as I ascend.

After switchbacking up the slope, the Potrero Canyon Trail reaches a humped ridge.

Ascending along the ridge. You can see a hint of the cool white cliff bands to come on the left.

View back along the humped ridge.

The trail ascends through brushy slopes, but was fortunately in good enough shape.

And then I reached the top of a lump where I could see Hurricane Deck stretching away.

The Potrero Canyon Trail descended into this green little valley.

Beautiful scenery.

Hurricane Deck's southern face.

Ascending on the opposite side of the valley.

View back into the little valley. The trail came from the top right in this photo.

Overgrown for a bit, view back.

And then I emerged at this view, holy moly. Castle Rock seen far left.

I continued ascending along the Potrero Canyon Trail.

View back, the amazing rock layers of western Hurricane Deck visible on the right.

The trail switchbacks a few times before reaching the ridge.

Another shot at the amazing geology, Castle Rock seen center.

Overgrown grasses just before the Hurricane Deck rideline.

View back from the ridgeline. Potrero Canyon seen left of center.

After some brushy hiking on steep terrain, a view back along Hurricane Deck. The views just kept getting better.

Continuing up to the first hump along the traverse, still quite a distance from the high point.

Another shot back, higher up.

The slope eroded to cliffs and the Hurricane Deck Trail stuck just to the rim at times.

Wide shot of the next hump along the ridge.

The trail goes directly through overgrown wildflowers. This was my favorite spot of the hike.

Continuing along the ridgeline.

Ascending toward the second hump.

View back toward the first hump.

Along the ridgeline before the second hump.

A view back, the first hump of the ridgeline seen on the left. Bald Mountain seen on the right.

Wider shot, higher up.

Continuing east.

Another shot back.

Gorgeous eroded cliffs. Hurricane Deck summit seen ahead.

A shot back along the "trail".

Wider shot back.

The trail chooses to wrap around some steeper, minor humps like the one in the center.

Off-trail to gain the summit of Hurricane Deck.

View back along the ridgeline.

Almost at the summit of Hurricane Deck, view back.

Mediocre views on the summit, which was brushy.
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