Looking back toward the Arizona Snowbowl parking lot. The trail begins through a meadow.

The Humphreys Peak Trail then enters the forest, using wide and gradual switchbacks.

Lush greenery, a beautiful hike.

Entering the Kachina Peaks Wilderness.

It's a gorgeous hike, but the scenery is similar. I was enjoying the tree cover and gray sky vibes quite a bit.

Overall the trail was in excellent shape, but there were often embedded tree roots and wet rocks to be aware of.

Ascending through a talus field, but the trail has been constructed to keep the effort minimal.

Getting higher up on the switchbacks as the trail progresses up the west slope of Humphreys Peak.

I started getting hints of views into the distance when there were gaps in the trees.

The switchbacks seemed to become more steep the higher the Humphreys Peak Trail ascended.

Agassiz Peak seen in the distance. The switchbacks give way to one long section of mellow ascent to just below the saddle of Humphreys Peaks and Agassiz Peak.

View back.

A trail sign with warnings to stay on the trail and no camping.

The trail begins to ascend more steeply, switchbacking on the volcanic talus to gain the saddle.

Saddle ahead.

I reached the saddle separating Humphreys Peak from Agassiz Peak.

A view into the Inner Basin from the saddle.

Onward to Humphreys Peak, seen far right. The official trail becomes a little tricky to follow since there are eroded social trails everywhere.

Much more rocky and steep, the Humphreys Peak Trail follows the peak's south ridge.

Ascending below the ridge on the eroded trail.

View back, Agassiz Peak seen center.

The trail continues ascending just below the ridge crest.

Another shot back at my progress.

Loose at times, minor obstacles popping in here and there.

Humphreys Peak seen ahead. The trail ascends to the ridge crest, a false summit.

Heading north to the summit.

View back along the ridgeline after reaching the false summit.

View back along the ridgeline.

Approaching the final slope to Humphreys Peak's summit.

Humphreys Peak, view into Inner Basin. Doyle, Fremont, Agassiz Peaks seen left to right.

Humphreys Peak summit.

Lovely views from Humphreys Peak.

A rainbow on my way back.

Close-up toward Agassiz Peak and Fremont Peak.

Nicer lighting on my way back as the sun came out, Agassiz Peak seen center.
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