At the trailhead, a view up toward Aspen Peak's cliffy northern face.

Hiking through the Flag fire burn area.

View back as I follow siwtchbacks.

Junction with the Potato Patch Loop.

There are occasional signs marking named boulder formations along the way.

Looking back at a nice overlook toward Dean Peak.

A short bit of downhill along the Potato Patch Loop, Hayden Peak seen in the center.

Junction with the Aspen Peak Trail.

Along the Aspen Peak Trail.

A cool pinnacle on the east side of Aspen Peak.

At the end of the official Aspen Peak Trail, but the summit is seen ahead.

View north toward Dean Peak at the end of the Aspen Peak Trail.

View at the bench/overlook from the end of the Aspen Peak Trail, just before continuing to the summit.

An unofficial trail continues to the summit of Aspen Peak.

Some Class 2 along the way.

Aspen Peak on the left, a green street sign reading "Peak Way" seen right.

Aspen Peak summit ahead, a short Class 3 move over a crack.

Hayden Peak (right), Hualapai Peak (left of center), and Peak 7720 (left).

Close-up toward Hayden Peak.

View west from Aspen Peak.

Along the Hayden Peak Drive road option. I recommend taking the Dinosaur Rock Spur Trail instead, because why hike a dumb road when there's a trail?

Junction with the Dinosaur Rock Spur Trail. Some maps mark this Hayden Peak Trail, but it doesn't actually lead to the summit.

Some nice views along the way.

View back toward Aspen Peak.

Nice granitic features along the way.

At a shelter, and a trail junction. Heading left is a short cutoff to reach the Hayden Peak Drive road.

Along the steep road.

Stairs to the northern summit of Hayden Peak.

View south toward Hayden Peak's southern summit and

View north toward Aspen Peak and Dean Peak.

Southern summit of Hayden Peak. Rocks steps on the left lead to the summit.

Shot toward the northern summit of Hayden Peak.

Along the Potato Patch Loop.

Junction with the Potato Patch Loop, which continues north. I stuck to the dirt road.

Along the Hayden Peak Trail.

Approaching the saddle, Peak 7720 seen top left.

Class 2 up Peak 7720.

View toward the road up to Hualapai Peak on my way up Peak 7720.

Peak 7720 summit ahead.

View toward Dean Peak.

View toward Aspen Peak (right) and Hayden Peak (left).

Peak 7720 summit block seen on the right. Class 3+ move.

Back along the Hualapai Peak Trail, view back. Peak 7720 seen right, Aspen Peak left.

Along the Hualapai Peak Trail.

Hualapai Peak poking out top right.

Just before the end of the dirt road, I headed up this slope using a pretty good social trail.

Class 2, keeping to the right of the blockier stuff.

View back down toward the road, sort of visible center.

Class 2/2+, then a Class 3+ summit block move (left).

Hualapai Peak summit, view north toward Hayden Peak and Aspen Peak.

View north toward Dean Peak (center) and Peak 7720 (right).

View toward Wabayuma Peak.

Along the eastern portion of the Potato Patch Loop.

Some nice views and whatnot along the Potato Patch Loop.

Potato Patch Loop, view toward Hualapai Peak.

Approaching a nice section of trail that follows the base of Aspen Peak's northern cliffs.

View up toward Aspen Peak along the Potato Patch Trail. I reached the loop trail junction shortly after this.
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