Starting out from the trailhead, Holt Mountain somewhere obscured by clouds up there.

Before heading down into Sheridan Gulch.

Entering Sheridan Gulch.

Burn area in Sheridan Gulch, but still pretty and colorful.

Greenery lines the trail and it's a pretty cozy hike.

Junction with some other trail - keep left.

Cross the creek a few times as you head up Sheridan Gulch, the trail pretty easy to follow the whole way.

Eventually, you'll start out of Sheridan Gulch and head up switchbacks to gain elevation on Holt Mountain.

Headed up the ridge to Holt Mountain.

Looking back down into Sheridan Gulch (right).

Eventually I got fogged out and couldn't see anything.

Leave the trail and head to Holt Mountain summit once the trail flattens. You get the point. I had no views.
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