Hollow Rock Peak and South Peak in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Hike Hollow Rock Peak and South Peak Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, NV

Class 4 3.6 miles 2100 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Mar 27, 2019

Hollow Rock Peak and South Peak GPX Track

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Hollow Rock Peak and South Peak are the last two high points of the sandstone that makes up Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. They're certainly not the best of Red Rock, but are worth visiting if you've been to lots of the other peaks already. I wanted to explore the canyon that cuts between the two from the east, hoping it would allow me to ascend to the peaks. I parked along the dirt road and headed in on a loosely cairned trail leading to the canyon mouth. Once within, I mostly stuck to the creekbed, but sometimes kept to the left on easily navigable scree if the creek seemed too brushy. Overall, I didn't struggle with brush, the route went with little effort, and there was a surprisingly pretty section of trickling water (Class 2+). Once a the saddle of South Peak and hollow Rock Peak, I headed up some sandstone slickrock to the summit block of Sand Hollow Peak, just a big brown boulder. A few 15-foot Class 4 couple of moves with no exposure leads to the summit block, with no exposure. I'll call the whole route Class 4 for this one single move, but other than the summit block, the hike doesn't exceed Class 3.

I continued along the west ridge from Hollow Rock Peak to explore more of the sandstone in this area, and then dropped back to the saddle. A Class 2 slope led to South Peak, and then I continued along the ridge headed southeast to a sub-peak called South Point. Although the ridge from South Peak to South Point was nice (despite the sounds of highway NV-160 below), the steep, loose slope leading down the east slope of South Point back to my car was somewhat unpleasant.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Hollow Rock Peak
5950 ft
n/a rise
South Peak
5883 ft
n/a rise
South Point
5810 ft
n/a rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting along an easily lost social trail toward the canyon separating South Peak and Hollow Rock Peak.
Starting along an easily lost social trail toward the canyon separating South Peak and Hollow Rock Peak.
Entering the mouth of the canyon.
Entering the mouth of the canyon.
Scree on the left side to avoid some brush.
Scree on the left side to avoid some brush.
The creekbed was actually totally fine most of the time, brush-free.
The creekbed was actually totally fine most of the time, brush-free.
Interesting water trickles within the canyon.
Interesting water trickles within the canyon.
Looking back down the canyon the way I came.
Looking back down the canyon the way I came.
More sandstone and water trickles within the canyon.
More sandstone and water trickles within the canyon.
Image 7 from gallery
At the head of the canyon, just below the saddle. I cut up to the right on slickrock sandstone.
At the head of the canyon, just below the saddle. I cut up to the right on slickrock sandstone.
Looking back down into the canyon.
Looking back down into the canyon.
Hiking up the slickrock sandstone.
Hiking up the slickrock sandstone.
Image 11 from gallery
Hollow Rock Peak visible on the left.
Hollow Rock Peak visible on the left.
Class 4 move in the center of this photo. There's no exposure, but I suppose it's a climby-move.
Class 4 move in the center of this photo. There's no exposure, but I suppose it's a climby-move.
Hollow Rock Peak summit, looking down toward the canyon I came up.
Hollow Rock Peak summit, looking down toward the canyon I came up.
Headed west along the ridge from Hollow Rock Peak.
Headed west along the ridge from Hollow Rock Peak.
Headed west along the ridge from Hollow Rock Peak, looking back toward Hollow Rock's summit block (center).
Headed west along the ridge from Hollow Rock Peak, looking back toward Hollow Rock's summit block (center).
Down to the saddle, South Peak visible in the center. Potosi Mountain also visible up top.
Down to the saddle, South Peak visible in the center. Potosi Mountain also visible up top.
Class 2 slope up to South Peak.
Class 2 slope up to South Peak.
Image 19 from gallery
South Peak summit looking toward NV-160.
South Peak summit looking toward NV-160.
South Peak summit, looking west toward the ridgeline.
South Peak summit, looking west toward the ridgeline.
South Point looking back along the ridge toward South Peak, Hollow Rock Peak also visible on the right.
South Point looking back along the ridge toward South Peak, Hollow Rock Peak also visible on the right.
Headed down the western slope of South Point.
Headed down the western slope of South Point.
Steep and loose slope.
Steep and loose slope.
Looking back up the loose slope.
Looking back up the loose slope.
Within a wash on the way back to my car.
Within a wash on the way back to my car.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!