Starting along the Kilgore Creek Trail.

Crossing Kilgore Creek.

Pretty meadow toward the start of the hike. Also, some wildfire smoke that faded as the morning progressed.

Hoback Peak somewhat visible ahead.

Entering the forest.

A washed out section along the trail.

Emerging into another meadow toward the head of the drainage.

Quite a bit more steep.

View back down the drainage.

At the top of the steep section at an overlook of a pretty waterfall. The social trail we'd be continuing along leads toward the center of this photo.

Close-up of the waterfall.

Just after leaving the trail, heading along a social trail. You can see the social trail continuing farther up in the center.

View back down the Kilgore Creek drainage as we ascend above the waterfall.

Good social trail for a while.

Once reaching a creek, the social trail became unclear. We headed to the right and continued west.

Hints of a social trail through the basin below Hoback Peak.

Hoback Peak seen top left. We ascended to the ridge above.

A slope of choice to reach the northeast ridge, seen above.

View back toward Chris on his chosen slopw.

Higher up, view back the way we came.

Progress along the northeast ridge.

Class 2.

View back down the Class 2. We came from the basin on the right.

Last bit to the summit of Hoback Peak.

Hoback Peak summit, view north.

View southwest.

View southeast.

Wide-shot view back east, the way we came.
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