After heading up the dirt road for a few miles, head left at a cairn and continue up the ridge.

Looking back toward the dirt road on the way up the ridge.

North Peak is somewhere on the right up there.

Leaving limestone, entering sandstone. Looking back toward the dirt road.

At the top of the ridge. Austin is looking toward the head of Hidden Falls Canyon.

Entering Hidden Falls Canyon.

Hidden Falls Canyon first rappel.

top of Hidden Falls Canyon second, and longest, rappel.

Fashion rock art.

Simul-rapping on rap 2 just for fun, taking a mid-way photo of Tara.

Looking up rap 2.

Some obstacles along the way down Hidden Falls Canyon.

Eventually it starts to narrow significantly. Look closely and you can see Austin on the right.

There are lots of beautiful, colorful waterfalls the whole way down.

Entering the exceptionally narrow section of Hidden Falls Canyon.

Class 3+ downclimb.

Tara is approaching the spot where a cave leads easily down. She didn't see it and did some sketchy climb to get down. Typical Tara.

Coming out of the little cave.

Another rappel.

Some easy Class 3 ledges.

A handline aids in getting down one of the shorter drops.

Looking back up Hidden Falls Canyon.

Approaching the sketchy Class 3 ledge.

Tara decided to do the move (see her on left). We weren't as psyched, so we set up a rappel.

We left our webbing for anyone who may need to rappel this, as well.

Approaching the last rappel.

Tara heading down. There was a bolted anchor on the left of this photo that we at first didn't notice, and we set up another anchor on a massive boulder in the wash, only to remove it after finding the bolted anchor.

Mid-rappel photo of the waterfall's lip. There was an audience below.

Looking back up at the waterfall.

Looking back toward Hidden Falls Canyon.

continuing out on the Children's Discovery Trail.

Hidden Falls Canyon on left, the dirt road we took at the beginning of the day goes to the right into that notch.
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