Trailhead within Shannon Campground. We started along the Arcadia Trail.

Very nice trail at first!

Really cool views to the east.

Looking back along the Arcadia Trail, the Shannon Campground behind Matt somewhere.

Entering a burned area as the trail winds along the slopes.

Looking back again.

The trail basically disappeared after a while.

Somehow, we relocated the trail, which was only faint.

The Arcadia Trail crests a minor ridge and continues southeast. The Heliograph Peak Trail heads south.

Looking back toward the junction of the trails The route came up and over the ridge on the left.

Continuing South, the slopes of Heliograph Peak visible in the center.

Heliograph Peak ahead somewhere.

The trail turns west and continues slowly ascending.

The trail is mostly okay, but definitely brushy. At a certain point, we were sick of it and dropped down to the forest road (standard route) to get to Heliograph Peak, since it was right next to us.

Along the standard road walk to Heliograph Peak.

Looking back, Mount Graham visible above Matt's head.

Heliograph Peak summit ahead.

Heliograph Peak summit, view north toward Mount Graham.

Heliograph Peak summit, view east.

Heading back down on the standard road walk. Although I didn't enjoy the bushwhacking, in some ways it was a lot more fun than just walking a dumb road.
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