Headlight Mountain in Cricket Mountains BLM, UT

Hike Headlight Mountain Cricket Mountains BLM, UT

Class 2 2.3 miles 1200 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back May 18, 2021

Headlight Mountain GPX Track

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Headlight Mountain is a smaller summit south of the Cricket Mountains High Point. It's got similar views, but a slightly steeper route. I came from the south and the road was passable by any vehicle. I approached via the most direct spur ridge that jut out to the east, mostly due to convenience. I would say the hike could be made more interesting if you try ascending from the longer, northern ridge, since it would give you more views for longer. Assuming you head up the way I did, expect some very minor Class 2 and otherwise just a couple of steep slopes. It's pretty straightforward, and the views west toward Sevier Lake are really nice.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Headlight Mountain
6749 ft
1109 rise

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View from the road. I'm headed for the spur ridge in the center of this photo. Headlight Mountain is the bump left of center.
View from the road. I'm headed for the spur ridge in the center of this photo. Headlight Mountain is the bump left of center.
Approaching the spur ridge.
Approaching the spur ridge.
Somewhat steep start up the spur ridge.
Somewhat steep start up the spur ridge.
Nice meadowy feel on along the spur ridge.
Nice meadowy feel on along the spur ridge.
View back along the ridge. My car is somewhere in the center of this photo.
View back along the ridge. My car is somewhere in the center of this photo.
Minor Class 2 along the spur ridge. Headlight Mountain visible top center.
Minor Class 2 along the spur ridge. Headlight Mountain visible top center.
Another shot back at the ridgeline I came up.
Another shot back at the ridgeline I came up.
Wide shot toward Cricket Mountains High Point (top left) and the ridge I came up (bottom right).
Wide shot toward Cricket Mountains High Point (top left) and the ridge I came up (bottom right).
Final bit to the summit of Headlight Mountain.
Final bit to the summit of Headlight Mountain.
Headlight Mountain summit, view southwest.
Headlight Mountain summit, view southwest.
Headlight Mountain summit, view north.
Headlight Mountain summit, view north.
Close-up toward Sevier Lake.
Close-up toward Sevier Lake.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!