Starting up Deadman Canyon along the Hidden Forest Trail.

A long walk up a gravel wash before the canyon narrows up a bit.

The Hidden Forest Trail becomes more interesting, nice limestone walls on either side.

The Hidden Forest Trail becomes progressively more forested.

Approaching the Hidden Forest Cabin.

The spring, running during our visit.

After the cabin, headed north up a social trail toward Hayford Peak.

We lost the social trail, and continued straight up the steep slope.

On the ridgeline after the initial slope ascent. Hayford Peak visible on the right.

Looking back along the ridge, Sheep Peak on the right.

Continuing along the ridge, Hayford Peak on the right.

At the high point just west of Hayford Peak, looking toward the saddle between us and Hayford.

On the way up Hayford Peak, looking back toward the high point we came down from.

Steep social trail leading up Hayford Peak.

Some light Class 2 (not pictured).

Leaving the forest as we get up toward Hayford Peak's summit. Sheep Peak visible far left, the open desert on the right.

Last bit of slope before the summit.

Just below Hayford Peak's summit, looking southwest toward Sheep Peak and the Spring Mountains.

Hayford Peak summit.
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