Harquahala Mountain Trailhead. The peak is visible left of center.

Passing some old mining ruins.

The road becomes a trail and continues slowly ascending.

View back, already a few miles into the hike.

Passing a dug-out portion of mine.

View back toward an old mine.

Harquahala Mountain visible ahead.

The trail begins to ascend out of the wash and up onto Harquahala Mountain's slopes.

View back.

Ascending along the great trail.

The trail wraps around to the other side of the drainage as it ascends.

View back.

Progress up the slope.

View back, you can see the trail from earlier in the center.

Close-up back along the trail.

Winding along the northwestern slopes of Harquahala Mountain.

View back again.

An old mining cabin or something, this sign was too degraded to read.

Continuing to wrap around to the west side of Harquahala Mountain. The trail leads to the low point on the ridgeline above, center.

Some tight switchbacks.

View back from below the ridge.

Approaching the ridge.

At the ridge, view up toward Harquahala Mountain. You can also see the service road which leads to the summit.

View back toward the low point on the ridge I came up from.

Harquahala Mountain ahead.

Just below the summit, a view back at a marker that points to the trail.

Final bit to the summit of Harquahala Mountain.

Harquahala Mountain, view southeast.

Harquahala Mountain, view southwest. The trail came up from the low point on the ridge in the center.
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