Starting from our parking spot, Cathedral Rock visible top right.

Following a dirt road on our way to gain the ridge.

Along the ridge, view toward Hardy Mountain.

Summit of Hardy Mountain, view along the ridgeline to come.

Heading toward Peak 3020. Oatman Benchmark is visible top left.

Looking back toward Hardy Mountain.

Close-up toward Oatman Peak and other cool looking unnamed craggy peaks.

Peak 3020 ahead, Peak 3100 on the left. There was some sort of artificial water catchment thing at the saddle. The route we took heads up to the left of the craggy summit block and wraps around to the opposite side.

Summit of Peak 3020.

We headed down this Class 2 gully from Peak 3020 to get to Peak 3100, ahead. The ridge on the left looked cliffy, but likely would have been a less loose descent option.

Heading up toward Peak 3100.

Keeping left along the base of the cliffs surrounding Peak 3100. We headed to the notch visible center.

At the top of the notch, view back the way we came, Peak 3020 visible center. Hardy Mountain behind it.

Summit of Peak 3100.

Close-up toward Cathedral Rock.

We dropped off the north side of Peak 3100. This is a shot back toward the descent. It was loose Class 2 with some somewhat interesting maze-like route-finding around rock ribs.

We followed the ridge between Peak 3100 and Peak 2940 for a bit before deciding it was more efficient to drop off the ridge and head directly to the peak.

Close-up of Peak 2940. Our route more-or-less heads up the center of this photo to the cliffy-looking stuff, where we located a Class 2/3 route.

Class 2/3 up the slopes and rocky face.

View back the way we came, Peak 3100 visible top center.

We reached the top of the slope and were greeted by this nutty-looking rock feature. The summit of Peak 2940 is seen top right. Our route to reach it led along the cliff base in the center and up a ramp.

Somewhat exposed ramp.

View back along the ramp toward where we came.

Class 3 stuff below the summit of Peak 2940.

On the first fin, which didn't lead to the summit. Our route dropped between the two fins and up onto the farther one. Whiley is climbing up a Class 4 notch move in this photo.

Looking back as we ascend the farther fin to the summit.

Summit of the fin, the high point of Peak 2940.

We headed back down from Peak 2940 and then continued up to a minor saddle.

Opposite side of the saddle, we followed an animal trail back to the road system below.

View toward the scarier-looking north side of Peak 2940. There might be a route up this way, but I don't think it would be under Class 4.
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