Starting up the Grizzly Gulch Trail.

View back, the Silver Creek Trail seen stretching to the center.

Ascending the Grizzly Gulch Trail.

A view back toward Sundog and Recloud.

The well-maintained Grizzly Gulch Trail.

Another shot back as the trees start to recede.

Handies Peak comes into view ahead.

Another shot back as I ascend Grizzly Gulch.

A sub-peak of Handies Peak visible above.

Now above tree line, Handies Peak seen right of center. There were so many wildflowers, even this late in the year!

Handies Peak seen center. The trail leads to the right side (north ridge) to reach the summit.

Another shot back down Grizzly Gulch.

The trail flattens out as it nears the base of Handies Peak.

The approach trail to Handies Peak then leaves Grizzly Gulch and ascends to the west along a tundra slope.

The trail leads to the left of the lighter-colored slope in order to access the ridge higher up.

View back into Grizzly Gulch.

The trail continues to be in good shape to the ridge.

View back again into Grizzly Gulch. Whitecross Mountain seen left of center.

After gaining the north ridge of Handies Peak, the trail continued toward the summit.

View back down Grizzly Gulch.

The trail begins switchbacking steeply to the summit. There are a couple of very light Class 2 sections due to the talus.

Handies Peak seen ahead.

Class 2 move to gain the summit.

Handies Peak summit, view into American Basin, the other approach trail.

Handies Peak, view into Grizzly Gulch.

Handies Peak summit, view back along the summit ridge.

View north from Handies Peak's summit.
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