Leaving pavement and started up the Gunstock Mountain Trail.

Starting gradually, the Gunstock Mountain Trail begins ascending more rapidly.

Pretty deciduous forest along the Gunstock Mountain Trail.

A detour for a winter ascent alternative. Stick to orange blazes in the summer.

Continuing to ascend along the Gunstock Mountain Trail.

A brief overlook before the summit.

Another nice overlook where a guy was smoking a cigarette (lol wtf).

A little switchback on the way to Gunstock Mountain.

Approaching Gunstock Mountain's busy summit.

A view toward Lake Winnipesaukee.

Gunstock Mountain, view toward Belknap Mountain.

Onward to Belknap.

A trail junction, keep right on the white-blazed trail.

Ascending to Belknap Mountain on a well-constructed and maintained trail.

View back toward Gunstock Mountain while hiking through a short bedrock-lain section.

More forest hiking to the summit.

Belknap Mountain lookout tower seen ahead.

Heading up the lookout tower.

Belknap Mountain summit, view north.

Onward using the dually-blazed white and yellow trail.

Pretty bedrock amongst the forest.

Descending from Belknap Mountain.

Piper Mountain seen ahead.

Ascending toward Piper Mountain.

The landscape surrounding Piper Mountain is like this for its majority, lots of clearings with bedrock and small shrubs, more sparsely-forested.

Onward to Piper Mountain.

Belknap Mountain seen top right.

Now descending along the Piper Mountain Trail (blazed red).

Descending from Piper Mountain.

This portion of the hike is mostly just through the forest.

A nice creek crossing using a bridge, which spit me out on pavement and back to the trailhead.
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