Starting along the West Rim Trail.

Angel's Landing seen above.

View back into Zion Canyon.

The "quiet zone" within Refrigerator Canyon.

Paved switchbacks through Refrigerator Canyon.

Starting up Walter's Wiggles.

View down Walter's Wiggles.

Approaching Scout Lookout, the turn-off for Angel's Landing.

Continuing up the West Rim Trail away from the bustling permitted-Angel's Landing Trail.

View back as I ascend along the slickrock of the West Rim Trail. Refrigerator Canyon seen on the right.

Descending north briefly.

A small footbridge over a chasm.

West Rim seen ahead.

The trail leads up some slickrock and then begins to enter a more forested section. West Rim seen above.

View back.

Entering the gully that separates the West Rim from Mount Majestic.

Ascending to the saddle seen ahead.

At the saddle, looking back down into the gully.

The West Rim Trail ascends via a heavily-constructed ledge in the cliff face.

Close-up down into the gully the trail just came out of.

View back. Behunin Canyon seen center.

Wild drop-off along the West Rim Trail.

A switchback as the West Rim Trail ascends to the rim.

Another shot back before reaching the rim.

Leaving slickrock as the trail overcomes the rim.

Mount Majestic up there.

Junction with the Telephone Canyon Trail, where I will be returning from later. For now I kept left along the West Rim Trail.

Ascending through the forest.

Excellent views overlooking the Zion wilderness began popping in.

View back along the West Rim Trail.

West Rim Trail.

Close-up toward Mount Majestic.

View toward Gunsight Point as I leave the West Rim Trail.

View back at the Class 2/3 descent from the rim.

Onward to Gunsight Point.

Beautiful land bridge. Gunsight Point seen just ahead.

A little brushy, but not too bad.

View back toward the West Rim.

When I reached the southern tail of Gunsight Point, I kept right. I stayed low for a time, ascending when the blocky sandstone seemed most reasonable.

View back as I traverse below the tail.

Class 2/3.

View back once I gained the tail.

Class 3.

View down the Class 3 crux.

Gunsight Point ahead.

Summit of Gunsight Point, view toward the crazy-looking ascent ramp for Mount Majestic.

You can also reach Gunsight Point by wrapping around its left side, though it's more brushy and effort.

Class 3 slab on the south side.

View down the slab.

Back on the West Rim Trail.

A shot back toward Gunsight Point.

The West Rim Trail ascends through the forest and meadows for a bit.

View back.

Outstanding views of the peaks of the Zion backcountry across Phantom Valley that I've come to know and love.

Along the way to Horse Pasture Plateau, the highest point of the hike.

Horse Pasture Plateau's high point.

Never Done Mountain seen on the right, my next summit.

Trail junction with Telephone Canyon. I continued along the West Rim Trail in order to reach Never Done Mountain.

After a few hundred feet of descent, I continued up toward Never Done Mountain seen ahead.

View back at my descent to the saddle with Never Done Mountain.

View back just before leaving the West Rim Trail to reach Never Done Mountain.

Brushy on the slope, so I recommend staying left where it's clear from brush.

Easy hiking farther left.

View back from the summit of Never Done Mountain.

Never Done Mountain, view north.

Close-up west.

I backtracked and took the Telephone Canyon Trail, a lot less epic than the West Rim views, but still pretty. This trail is a bit less maintained.

Along the Telephone Canyon Trail.

View back.

Nearing the junction with the West Rim Trail again.

A pretty meadow before reaching the junction.
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