Gunsight Canyon Loop in Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Hike Gunsight Canyon Loop Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Class 2 3.2 miles 900 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Feb 24, 2017

Gunsight Canyon Loop GPX Track

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This small loop was a great little excursion in the Joshua Tree Wilderness of Rocks that includes some nice boulder-hopping, pretty canyon scenery, and a great overlook into the Wilderness of Rocks. For something more intense, check out our loop of Johnson Spring and Rattlesnake Canyon.

From the trailhead, we headed through the desert and located a shallow and not super obvious drainage heading southwest, the route obscured by countless boulders and rock outcroppings. The canyon of choice became choked with boulders and fun scrambling as it ascends to a rocky saddle, eventually leading into a wash that heads generally south. We left the wash to take a quick detour to the east leading to a cozy little area that's hugged by four bouldery hills and has a really nice view to the south overlooking the Wilderness of Rocks. It would have been a particularly rough effort to continue our intended loop from here, so we went back to the wash we left for our detour, which stared curving east. We descended the drainage, which had a bunch of boulders, but was mostly not too much effort. The canyon begins to narrow and included some water-carved prettiness as it heads northeast toward the end of the loop. Lots of talus caves and down climbs made the rest a lot of fun.

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Image 1 from gallery
After walking through open desert for a little bit, there is a not-so-obvious canyon (refer to GPS) that requires some scrambling. This is the start to the fun.
After walking through open desert for a little bit, there is a not-so-obvious canyon (refer to GPS) that requires some scrambling. This is the start to the fun.
Image 3 from gallery
Shawn looking at a fun Class 3 obstacle.
Shawn looking at a fun Class 3 obstacle.
Heading up the boulder-filled canyon.
Heading up the boulder-filled canyon.
Looking back down the canyon.
Looking back down the canyon.
Approaching the top, where the boulders let up a bit.
Approaching the top, where the boulders let up a bit.
Entering the wash, just on top of the steep canyon boulder march.
Entering the wash, just on top of the steep canyon boulder march.
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A side canyon that leads to a nice overlook (see map).
A side canyon that leads to a nice overlook (see map).
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The beautiful overlook. The intended route goes below this overlook.
The beautiful overlook. The intended route goes below this overlook.
Shawn against the rocks.
Shawn against the rocks.
Back on the route, where the canyon had opened up, we started the descent.
Back on the route, where the canyon had opened up, we started the descent.
Heading down into the wide canyon.
Heading down into the wide canyon.
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The canyon narrows into a pretty, boulder-filled canyon.
The canyon narrows into a pretty, boulder-filled canyon.
Looking back up the canyon.
Looking back up the canyon.
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Fun talus caves along the way down.
Fun talus caves along the way down.
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Image 23 from gallery
The end of the canyon.
The end of the canyon.
After exiting the canyon and almost back to the trailhead, looking back toward the canyon.
After exiting the canyon and almost back to the trailhead, looking back toward the canyon.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!