Starting up Grove Creek.

The trail switchbacks to get higher up on the northwest slope.

The trail continues a few hundred feet above the creek.

Looking back down Grove Creek.

Eventually, the trail meets back up with the creek and then ascends out of Grove Creek.

Mt. Timpanogos ahead.

Looking back toward Grove Creek.

Big Baldy in the distance. The trail follows a grassy section between Grove Creek and Battle Creek.

Mt. Timp left, Big Baldy right.

Starting down the Battle Creek Trail.

The Battle Creek Trail hugs the creek, unlike Grove Creek, which was higher up.

Some mini waterfalls along the way.

Battle Creek Falls.

Battle Creek Falls. Someone was rappelling off.

Entering Kiwanis Park for a moment.

Annoying maze of dirt roads leading back to the Grove Creek Trailhead.

Looking back toward Battle Creek while on one of the dirt roads.
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