Starting out from the Cathedral Rock / South Loop Trailhead, we set out for Griffith Peak on a well-maintained trail.

There were roughly three million switchbacks on the way up to Griffith Peak.

Charleston Peak in the distance.

A forested section as we neared the ridge line.

Griffith Peak in view.

At the ridge line, a sign marking the obvious trail to Griffith Peak.

On the way up to Griffith Peak, looking north toward Charleston Peak (left) and Mummy Mountain (right).

Griffith Peak ahead.

Griffith Peak, view southeast. You can see Mt. Wilson in Red Rock in the middle, as well as the La Madre Mountains.

Griffith Peak, view north. Our ridgeline still to go visible on the left to Charleston Peak. The trail then works along the ridge in the center, then cuts across the front of Mummy Mountain and down Trail Canyon (seen on the right center).

Back at the junction, heading through the region called "The Meadows".

Within The Meadows looking back toward Griffith Peak.

Lots more ridgeline to go, but it was really pretty.

Hiking through the remains of the forest fire from a few years ago.

Looking back toward Griffith Peak (right).

Close-up into Kyle Canyon and the town of Mount Charleston below.

Looking back toward Griffith Peak.

Charleston Peak ahead.

The trail wraps around to Charleston Peak's southwest side before ascend the ridge.

Looking back the way we came, Griffith Peak on the distant left.

Charleston Peak summit.

Charleston Peak summit, view toward Griffith Peak (left of center). Photo from 2015.

Charleston Peak summit, view west. Photo from 2015.

Heading down on the switchbacks along the North Loop Trailfrom Charleston Peak. Visible ahead along the ridgeline is Lee Peak (center), and Mummy Mountain (right). Behind Lee Peak are The Sisters and Macks Peak.

Coming down the switchbacks, Griffith Peak visible center.

Snow made for a slow-moving hike along this normally easy trail. Lee Peak visible on the right.

The North Loop Trail continues to hug the cliffs as it descends along the ridge.

Lee Peak ahead.

Quick side trip to Lee Peak.

Lee Peak summit, view toward Charleston Peak.

Lee Peak summit, view north toward Bonanza, McFarland, Macks, and The Sisters.

Back on the North Loop Trail.

Looking back toward Charleston Peak.

View back.

Descending to the junction with the Trail Canyon Trail.

A couple of switchbacks through the forest.

Cave Spring along the way before the junction with the Trail Canyon Trail.

View back up along the Trail Canyon Trail. We followed this somewhat steep trail down to the trailhead and then followed paved roads back to the car.
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