Through the desert toward the canyon/was on Green Monster Benchmark's west side.

Entering the canyon.

Some cool geology on the wall up there.

The wash narrows a bit and becomes more rocky and has some light brush.

View back down the ascent canyon.

Progress up the canyon.

Another shot back.

Colorful slabs within the drainage I thought seemed cool enough to note. A geologist may think otherwise. you can see basically the summit just ahead.

At the top of the canyon, view back in. The summit is just behind me, a quick and steep dirt slope.

Green Monster Benchmark summit, Potosi Mountain seen left. Peak 4925 seen right.

Green Monster Benchmark summit, view south.

Close-up of Peak 4925. The drop was steep coming off Green Monster Benchmark, but not too bad.

On my way up Peak 4925, view back toward Green Monster Benchmark. You can see a notable cliff band that I avoided by keeping left of it on the way down (right in this photo).

Ascent to PEak 4925.

Peak 4925 summit, view back.

Peak 4925 summit, view toward Potosi Mountain (right of center) and Bluebird Peak (far left).

I descended a spur ridge/slope and then just headed back to my car through the tame desert landscape.
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