Green Monster Benchmark in Potosi Mountain BLM, NV

Hike Green Monster Benchmark Potosi Mountain BLM, NV

Class 2 6.8 miles 2200 gain 2-4 hrs Loop Mar 31, 2023

Green Monster Benchmark GPX Track

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Green Monster Benchmark is one of those desert peaks that sort of blends into its surroundings. That said, I had a nice time because I love newness and can't get enough, even if that means hiking lumps like this one near home. Though this hike is probably best done by folks with very little else remaining in the area, it's always a nice day in the desert and this route is overall straightforward and ascends relatively gradually when compared to the usual steep stuff found out here. To reach the trailhead, leave the graded Sandy Valley Road here (35.91037, -115.66972) and head northeast. This approach road is gross, garbage and discarded ammo rounds scattered everywhere.

I hiked east toward the major canyon draining from Green Monster Benchmark's west side. The desert was open and walking through it was trivial. The canyon was mostly a gravel wash for the first half, then introduced some light Class 2 and a tiny bit of brush. It then steepened a bit and the rockiness thickened, but was still pleasant rock-hopping. The geology of the south side of the canyon was neat, eroded limestone slabs rising from the canyon floor. There were also some cool pockets and slabby, colorful rock embedded in the drainage that seemed worth noting. After ascending most of the way to the summit, the canyon widened into a slope and led a short way to the high point on a steeper slope. I could see Potosi Mountain nearby, as well as a contrived loop we did of similarly amorphous lumps nearby, Ragged, Jagged, etc..

Peak 4825, an unnamed lump to the east of Green Monster Benchmark, was totally washed out by the afternoon sun, making it seem an even less interesting undertaking than the first peak, but I was here and it was there and I wanted to get over to it. Why? *shrug* I dropped east on the steep slope, happy I chose to descend this way rather than do the loop in reverse. Along the way there was a single small cliff that I avoided on the left (Class 2). The west ridge of Peak 4825 was just a steep slope, though less so than the descent from Green Monster Benchmark. That's sort of all I can say about this lump.

Rather than backtrack, I decided to take a spur ridge/slope off Peak 4825 and then just hike through the open desert and back to my car. Fortunately the desert here isn't riddled with arroyos and cacti, so it was a really nice sunset trek back.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Green Monster Benchmark
4852 ft
538 rise
Peak 4925
4925 ft
365 rise

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Through the desert toward the canyon/was on Green Monster Benchmark's west side.
Through the desert toward the canyon/was on Green Monster Benchmark's west side.
Entering the canyon.
Entering the canyon.
Some cool geology on the wall up there.
Some cool geology on the wall up there.
The wash narrows a bit and becomes more rocky and has some light brush.
The wash narrows a bit and becomes more rocky and has some light brush.
View back down the ascent canyon.
View back down the ascent canyon.
Progress up the canyon.
Progress up the canyon.
Another shot back.
Another shot back.
Colorful slabs within the drainage I thought seemed cool enough to note. A geologist may think otherwise. you can see basically the summit just ahead.
Colorful slabs within the drainage I thought seemed cool enough to note. A geologist may think otherwise. you can see basically the summit just ahead.
At the top of the canyon, view back in. The summit is just behind me, a quick and steep dirt slope.
At the top of the canyon, view back in. The summit is just behind me, a quick and steep dirt slope.
Green Monster Benchmark summit, Potosi Mountain seen left. Peak 4925 seen right.
Green Monster Benchmark summit, Potosi Mountain seen left. Peak 4925 seen right.
Green Monster Benchmark summit, view south.
Green Monster Benchmark summit, view south.
Close-up of Peak 4925. The drop was steep coming off Green Monster Benchmark, but not too bad.
Close-up of Peak 4925. The drop was steep coming off Green Monster Benchmark, but not too bad.
On my way up Peak 4925, view back toward Green Monster Benchmark. You can see a notable cliff band that I avoided by keeping left of it on the way down (right in this photo).
On my way up Peak 4925, view back toward Green Monster Benchmark. You can see a notable cliff band that I avoided by keeping left of it on the way down (right in this photo).
Ascent to PEak 4925.
Ascent to PEak 4925.
Peak 4925 summit, view back.
Peak 4925 summit, view back.
Peak 4925 summit, view toward Potosi Mountain (right of center) and Bluebird Peak (far left).
Peak 4925 summit, view toward Potosi Mountain (right of center) and Bluebird Peak (far left).
I descended a spur ridge/slope and then just headed back to my car through the tame desert landscape.
I descended a spur ridge/slope and then just headed back to my car through the tame desert landscape.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!